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Friday, November 28, 2014

Schlafly: Thank God for Founding Fathers

The millions of Americans who gather Thursday around a dining-room table with family members to celebrate Thanksgiving will heed George Washington’s call in October 1789 to commemorate “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God.”

Ever since the days of the Pilgrims, Thanksgiving has traditionally been a time to thank God for the blessings in one’s life, particularly the blessing of the harvest.

However, President Obama has failed to thank God in any of his five previous Thanksgiving addresses.

Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly said she will be watching to see whether Obama mentions God this year, but she isn’t optimistic.

“He seems to be on a mission to wipe God out of public life in every possible way,” Schlafly said.

Schlafly, on the other hand, said Americans, as a people, should be thankful for the nation’s Founding Fathers.

“We have to be thankful that [God] gave us an extraordinary group of men who devised the system of our country, which made us not only the freest, but the most prosperous country in the world,” she said.

“That’s why everybody wants to come here.”

Keep reading..

1 comment:

  1. more common sense. love Phyllis Schlafly.


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