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Friday, November 14, 2014

Schlafly: Don’t Let Republican Elitists Nominate Someone Like Jeb Bush

Author Phyllis Schlafly's “A Choice Not an Echo” caused waves in 1964 by taking on the Republican 'Kingmakers' who seemed to ignore the needs of true conservatives. Fifty years later, she’s still a thorn in the Establishment's side. This week, Schlafly released the 50th anniversary edition of her groundbreaking book (You can purchase it here.) She told Townhall why any candidate considering running for office in 2016 needs to read it.

Congratulations on your anniversary edition of “A Choice Not an Echo.” I know part of the reason you decided to do this anniversary edition was because it marked 50 years. But was the current political environment also a factor in your decision to release this new version?

“It was a major factor, because we have a two-party system in this country and I do believe we have to work within the Republican Party to get on the right track, since I really have no hope of getting the Democratic Party on the right track – and the Republican Party is still a fight between the Establishment, or the people we call the RINOS, (Republican in Name Only) and the grassroots. I want to activate the grassroots to realize they can be the dominant factor in the Republican Party and nominate a candidate for president who is our choice, such as the example of Ronald Reagan in 1980.”



  1. Schlafly is a class act and always has been. She is a feminist's nightmare -- an intelligent, articulate woman who communicates with facts and grace rather than emotion and vitriol. For you younger conservatives who want to take back the country -- this is one old lady you need to pay attention to.

  2. And, 7:27AM she's spot on with her description of Jeb Bush.
    "“We don’t want the candidate who is picked by the elitists, the globalists, the internationalists, the RINOs..”" is exactly how I feel and you should too.
    I'm with 7:27 on this all the way, listen to this lady.


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