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Sunday, November 02, 2014

SBYnews Editorial Staff's Endorsements - Part 1

Election day is just around the corner and our SBYnews staff would like to take this opportunity to view our selections of endorsements for political offices.

We endorse Bob Culver for Wicomico County Executive - we feel as though his leadership abilities will enable him to entice prominent employers to Wicomico County.  We believe job generation is  Wicomico's  NO. 1 priority and that his ideology will fit nicely into providing an overhaul 'economic fix'.

Mike McDermott - for Maryland State Senate.  Our editorial staff feels he is a 'true reflection' of the eastern shore's traditional values.  He is also one of the hardest working Delegates on record - having expended a great deal of his time in helping to keep the eastern shore residents informed.  His trade mark - weekly Legislative News updates.  His legislative updates shows his tenacity in trying to keep our public fully informed.

Carl Anderton - Maryland House of Delegates - 38B.  We feel that Mr. Anderton will provide a breath of 'fresh air' to our constituency.  Moreover, we believe that Norm Conway has overstayed his welcome and that he has aligned with special interest in that he puts their interest above the public's best interest.  His track record is fraught in voting for higher taxes, fees, new taxes and runs in direct contradiction to the mandates of our people.

Mary Beth Carozza - Maryland House of Delegates - 38C  If this lady works as hard in Annapolis as she has exhibited throughout her campaigning - then this will be a fine addition to our current slate of State House endorsements.  She has literally taken the battle to 'virtually every one's front door'.  We believe she exudes ambition, character, and all of the pertinent attributes to help move the eastern shore forward in a positive direction.  We feel her emphasis on job creation to be the eastern shore's No. 1 priority.  Her prior political experience also helps to 'preen' her for this political position.

Charles Otto - Maryland House of Delegates - 38A - Somerset & Wicomico Counties.  Although Mr. Otto's District only encompasses a portion of Wicomico County - we feel as though his core conservative values also help to carry forward our eastern shore traditions.  From balanced budget initiatives to limitations on taxation and particularly limited government.  Our staff feels as though his ideals puts Mr. Otto at the epicenter of our core traditions.  Moreover, it is noteworthy to mention that our staff truly believes that the Democratic leadership headed by Governor O'Malley saw to it to try and 'put the shaft' to, both, Delegates Charles Otto and Delegate Mike McDermott by gerrymandering their Districts to force a runoff between the two.  We believe Governor O'Malley's move was an unscrupulous way of 'rigging the system'.  Hopefully, this attempt will backfire on the Democratic party. Only time will tell - and hopefully justice will prevail.

Melvin Caldwell - Circuit Court Judge
Having followed this individual for a number of years, we feel that he has amply demonstrated his leadership abilities.   Also noteworthy of Mr. Caldwell - also known as MJ - he was instrumental in the implementation of the County Executive form of governance.  Our editorial staff believes that MJ Caldwell will 'exude the reflections of the Eastern Shore Tradition grounded on Self-reliance and Self-determination.'  We give him our highest endorsement in letting the people decide who should be the sitting judge.  Especially after the shenanigans that O'Malley pulled in the gerrymandering of Otto's and McDermott's Districts.

Addie Eckhardt - Maryland's District 37 Senate Seat
Previously - Eckardt has represented District 37B in the House of Delegates since 1995, the same year Colburn joined the State Senate.  She is keenly aware of the inner workings in Annapolis - and our staff feels as though she would compliment our selection in that her No. 1 priority is trying to garner new job generation.  Moreover, her background as a nurse makes her sensitive to the needs of the community - particularly mental and addictions assistance.  We give her our 'thumbs-up' endorsement.

Johnnie Mautz - Maryland House of Delegates 37B
Once again - our editorial staff feels as though his conservative ideals will help to enable him to 'bare good fruit' in Annapolis.  Mautz a St. Michaels native - we like his idea about a limited government role and restraint on taxation.  Mautz also runs a family restaurant business in St. Michaels and has also created jobs and added value to the community. He is seeking to fill the seat vacated by Jeannie Haddaway - when she elected to run for Maryland's Lieutenant Govornor. 

Article Published by SBYnews Editorial Staff 


  1. Thanks Joe & staff. I was hoping that SbyNews would post your endorsements along with a short reason why each should have our vote, too. Thanks again.
    P.S. I find the pics you use as verification far better then the crooked text.

  2. Joe, would have been my choices if I were still there

  3. IMHO I want to know what in heck is going on in your staff's endorsements. I noticed that there is not one single Democrat endorsement. Surely, this is biased in that there must be at least (1) capable democrat for one of these positions.

  4. The SBYNEWS selections certainly seem amicable in my own estimation. I couldn't agree with them anymore. Great job in your endorsements. Thanks!

  5. Mary Beth Carroza came to our community meeting a year ago, which was more than I can say for any of the other candidates.
    We were impressed and decided to vote for her there and then.
    We like Del McDermott for his commitment in keeping us in the loop as to what is going on in Annapolis. That was a first and he has gained our votes due to this action that no one ever felt the need to do before.

  6. It appears as though we might be in for some real upsets. If Pollitt & Conway are defeated it will send shock waves throughout Annapolis.

  7. IMHO not one democrat deserves an endorsement. I can't think of anything positive or productive that any of them have done.
    All they know how to do, is have their hands in the citizens pockets. We are taxed and pay fees for everything under the sun now and it's uncalled for.
    The democrats approve of O'Malley's budgets all the time so that in and of itself shows they need to go.

    1. After the rain tax will come the 'sunshine tax' !

  8. To 12:29 - They -(Dems)- made their bed now let them lay in it.

  9. What about Chris Adams? He's a great local candidate for the seat in 37B. You can vote for him in addition to Mautz (who's also a fine person).

  10. 12:29-Look no further than places such as Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore City, 2 places that have been under democrat control for generations. Would you want to live in those cities?

  11. Watch out because I personally feel as though the democrats are all going down after Nov. 4th. Martin O'Malley hitched his wagon to Obama and looked what happened last week when Obama stumped for Brown. Even the black voters started to walk out when he got up to speak. I would not be a bit surprised if the Republicans have a clean sweep here locally.

  12. The democratic story has been one of horror. Taxes, increased fees, busted budgets, free sex, same sex marrages, yu name it they've done it unto themselves. I too was a democrat up until just a few years ago. No more.

  13. These are all great selections, I wish them all the best.

  14. I just received a flyer for Rick Pollitt in yesterday's mail. After I read the headlines, I thought to myself how could any responsible person have let Wicomico's economy go for so long without doing anything. Totally irresponsible.

  15. The democrats waited to long to act. They essentially approached everything from the taxation side of the equation. And they were the ones who were in control. I say give the Republicans a shot at the top leadership roles and if they don't perform - we will have to get rid of them to.

  16. Soon - I believe that there is going to be some significant changes in leadership around here.

  17. This election is about a referendum on Pollitt, Conway, & O'Malley's policies.
    I think they are lacking in that department.

  18. Don't forget to write in vote lee Stevens for sheriff

  19. Voted yesterday, all republicans and I am proud of that.

  20. Hopefully, it will be a blood bath come Tuesday. I hope none of the democrats are elected. They are taboo and bad news for any red-blooded eastern shore man or woman.

  21. These are all republican endorsements. Where in the hell are the democratic endorsements.

  22. The democratic endorsements are in the women's bathroom at Mojo's.

  23. I like all of them. We must think the same as I voted for all of the ones endorsed just yesterday.

  24. I like all of the to. Great endorsements and feature stories.


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