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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Russia Challenges US Nuke Power – Obama’s Greatest Betrayal

This is President Barack Obama’s greatest betrayal. Everything else he has done, pales in comparison to the gutting of the US military and allowing the Russians to rebuild a very serious challenge to US nuclear arms capability. To be fair, Obama is not the only US President to fail to prepare for the inevitable resurgence of Russian military power. He may however, given his pro-Soviet communist background, be the first one to actually welcome it.

This monstrous betrayal puts millions of lives and the very survival of the West at grave risk.

From Pravda:

On September 1, 2014 the US State Department published a report, in which it was stated that for first time since the collapse of the USSR, Russia reached parity with the US in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. Thus, Washington admitted that Moscow regained the status that the Soviet Union had obtained by mid-70’s of the XX century and then lost.

According to the report from the State Department, Russia has 528 carriers of strategic nuclear weapons that carry 1,643 warheads. The United States has 794 vehicles and 1,652 nuclear warheads.

It just so happens that today, Russia’s strategic nuclear forces (SNF) are even more advanced in comparison with those of the US, as they ensure parity on warheads with a significantly smaller number of carriers of strategic nuclear weapons. This gap between Russia and the United States may only grow in the future, given the fact that Russian defense officials promised to rearm Russia’s SNF with new generation missiles.

How did this happen? The treacherous policy of democrats


1 comment:

  1. We need to reinstitute "Chrome-Dome"....keep B-52's locked, loaded and in the air 24x7x365! If these commies, mooslimes, or other radicals so much as twitch, we should take them out....that's what they're getting ready to do to us!


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