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Saturday, November 01, 2014

“Retaliation”: Feds Launch New Land Grab Targeting Bundy Family

Battle of Bunkerville 2: BLM to declare 1.8 million acres environmental protection zone

A federal land grab being imposed under the guise of environmental protection in Southern Nevada has been labeled an act of “deliberate retaliation” by Cliven Bundy, the rancher who was at the center of a standoff between BLM agents and armed militia groups earlier this year.

On Sunday, the Bundy family posted a Facebook entry which asserted that, “the federal government is mounting retaliations against the Bundy family and the Southern Nevada people,” after it was announced that the feds intended to designate around 1.8 million acres of land around their Gold Butte range as critical to the environment.

The initial dispute between Bundy and the feds, which culminated in an armed standoff between BLM agents and Bundy supporters back in April, centered around more than $1 million in grazing fees which authorities claimed Bundy owed stretching back two decades.



  1. This is what you get when libtards are in charge. They take,take,and take some more.

  2. Hi I'm Josh Hastings and I support this land grab!


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