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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Postal Service Lost $5.5B in 2014

The U.S. Postal Service lost $5.5 billion in fiscal 2014, marking another year of red ink despite a second year of growth in operating revenue and a 9 percent increase in the organization’s shipping-and-packaging business.
Operating revenue jumped by $569 million compared with last year, driven by a temporary postage-rate increase and the rise in package deliveries. But the agency shed $6.9 billion through expenses beyond its control, such as a congressionally mandated requirement to prefund retiree health benefits and an interest-rate adjustment for workers’ compensation.


  1. When will we learn , it's over folks , the PO is lost in their own pile of $hit . Those guys don't truly understand what's happening.
    I get about 1 important piece of mail a week . I get about 50 pieces of trash that goes to the land fill.
    Not only are they inefficient , but they are screwing up the environment.
    Bailout time obamie , save their a$$e$ again .
    Nanticoke PO , you guys should get a raise , most screwed up PO in the East.

  2. 5:25 they ar enot losing money because of their service they are losing money because the government is forcing them to fund retirement funds for i believe ten years out. it has nothing to do with making money they are just being socked because of new regulations

  3. 5:25 thank you. You understand the problem. Limit delivery to homes to three times a week. Increase bulk mail for mailers etc. legislate to scrape the defined benenfit pension and install the 401K concept. Its time everybody invests in their retirement.Finally, people pay to get their mail at a mail box. It use to be up at 8:30am but now its closer to 11:00am. It might be time to charge for home delivery.


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