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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Pollitt Loses Firefighter Votes Because He's Just Plain Stupid

Last week a group of elected officials and candidates attended a Firefighters gathering in Sharptown. Each person was given the opportunity to get up and speak briefly, Rick Pollitt was one of them.

Now, anyone who knows anything about etiquette, when you attend a venue involving VOLUNTEERS and NON PROFIT and you buy a 50/50 raffle ticket, if you win, you give the money back to the organization as a donation.

Well, considering Rick only knows how to TAX Wicomico County residents, guess what, he won the 50/50. And what did he do next, he stuck the money in his pocket and told the crowd he was going to use it to pay for bumper stickers.

It was a slap in the face and that's exactly how they took it. It certainly wasn't a good move. 


  1. I'm not trying to be sarcastic and I have never won anything so I guess I have never had to have known this, but I didn't know it was proper etiquette to donate the raffle win back to the fire department. Or is that because it was a group of officials and candidates? Again, just an honest question, not trying to be ignorant. I guess I am ignorant though, of that etiquette, because I truly don't know.

  2. I couldn't believe he did that. I think I remember it was $37 plus. How stupid could he be. He was all the buzz when the meeting was over but then the next day it was the topic at work. "Stupid is what stupid does"

  3. NOOOOO! Tell me it ain't so.

  4. Yes it most certainly is proper etiquette in that situation to donate the winnings back.

  5. I also had no idea that was the proper etiquette. I'd have done the same thing...

  6. 12:50, This isn't Rick Pollitt's first rodeo. The man live at charity events and absolutely knows better.

  7. Amen Joe. I bet his "handlers" are appalled and any one in his "kitchen cabinet" too. Oh, what has happened to his "kitchen cabinet" anyway? LOL

  8. Typical liberal Tax and spend. In this case it was take and spend!!!!

  9. While the average person might keep the money (that's why he bought a ticket), a true "leader" type of person will always donate winnings back to the organization if it is for a good cause because that is why HE bought a ticket. Little things like that are what "separate the MEN from the BOYS".

  10. Why would he need the money to buy bumper stickers ? He could just pay for them with the county credit card like he does with everything else.

  11. Interesting. I never gave this much thought until this past Labor Day weekend. I entered a 50:50 for charity at the Crab Derby concert in Crisfield. Later that night, they called the winning ticket and the gentleman who won donated his winnings right on the spot without a moments hesitation. Made me wonder what I would have done. Until I saw that act of charity, I probably would have taken the cash ( it was a fairly large amount). Now when I enter 50:50 drawings, I've already decided that my entry is for charity and will all go to the charity if I win.

  12. 4:53 Thanks for your comment. The difference is Pollitt knows better. He seldoms purchases a 50/50 but I haven't spoken to anyone who would have stuck the money in their pocket and left. I feel like I should send a check to the fire dept.


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