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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Photo Of Boy Hugging Officer At Portland's Ferguson Protest Goes Viral

A touching photo that captures a helmeted white police officer hugging a teary-eyed 12-year-old African-American boy at a Ferguson shooting protest in Oregon has gone viral on social media.

More than 150,000 Facebook users shared the image hours after The Oregonian newspaper posted it on its website.

Freelance photographer Johnny Nguyen snapped the picture when Portland Police Sgt. Bret Barnum and 12-year-old Devonte Hart embraced at a Nov. 25 rally protesting the decision of a Missouri grand jury not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of teen Michael Brown.



  1. There is hope for this country.

  2. People are forgetting that our police officers join the force because they want to serve their community. If you don't like the police, stop calling for help when someone robs, assaults, or steals from you. They are just people who are willing to put on a uniform and respond to calls to protect a citizen when they call in because someone they know decided to pull out a knife and is trying to harm the them. Oh wait you want their help? But two minutes ago you hated the police. You couldn't last one week doing what our finest do everyday. Remember before you pass judgment, they are people too.

  3. Definitely not what sharpton and company want to see.


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