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Friday, November 28, 2014

“Passing Obamacare Was a Mistake”

Democrats made a mistake by passing President Barack Obama’s health-care law in 2010 instead of focusing more directly on helping the middle class, third- ranking U.S. Senate Democrat Charles Schumer said today. Democrats detail how much of a misstep it really was:

“Unfortunately, Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them” in electing Obama and a Democratic Congress in 2008 amid a recession, Schumer of New York said in a speech in Washington. “We took their mandate and put all our focus on the wrong problem — health care reform.”

Schumer said Democrats should have addressed issues aiding the middle class to build confidence among voters before turning to revamping the health-care system. He said he opposed the timing of the health-care vote and was overruled by other party members.

“The plight of uninsured Americans and the hardships created by unfair insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed,” the senator said. “But it wasn’t the change we were hired to make” in the 2008 election.

“Democrats must embrace government, not run away from it,” Schumer said. Voter discontent will continue until one of the political parties convinces middle-class Americans that it has an agenda for helping them, he said.



  1. It wasn't a mistake you new exactly what you were doing. You screwed the American people.

  2. Funny how now after it's been reveled how the democrat politicians think the democrat voters are "stupid" that he says this.
    One thing to keep in mind, not one Republic in Congress voted for Obamacare and the Tea Party was vehemently against it as were other Republican voters.
    This proves beyond a doubt that the Republicans are intellectually superior to any and all democrats, something I've known all along and didn't need democrat Jonathan Gruber to tell me.

  3. what are you doing now; CYA. that's what you're doing. there's not an ounce of common sense in the Democratic Parry or the libs. NEVER trust them for anything. They continually lie.


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