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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Outrage as white high school seniors in Missouri show up for girls' powder-puff football game in BLACKFACE

A high school in Missouri is under fire after photos have emerged showing a dozen seniors, all of them white, taking part in a powder-puff football while in full-on blackface.

The racially insensitive photos were taken November 5 at Sullivan High School during an annual game where girls from each grade faced off against one another on the football field, with some of the male players acting as their coaches.

A dozen teenage girls from the senior class took to the field with their faces entirely painted black, as parents and school officials looked on from the bleachers.



  1. They have no concept what it means since it was never taught to them
    Welcome to common core and the omission of history.

  2. i believe it was a comment on the ridiculous use of black under eyes to cut glare, rather than being a statement of racial tones....

    it is all a matter of perception, really.

  3. Yet two black actors can make a movie "white girls" and its appropriate and a hit movie. It may be in bad taste, but what's the big deal? They probably don't know what a minstrel was, much less that they were being offensive in any way.

  4. My grandchildren went trick or treating in blackface & no one seemed offended.

  5. emulating the NFL...thats all

  6. Love it!! Glad to see this, about time. Blacks can get away with all kinds of racial remarks, and actions, but us white folks have to tip-toe on eggs!

  7. They are trying to look like football players

  8. Hahahaha..... LMAO. This is just as absurd as the other garbage going on in that place.


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