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Monday, November 17, 2014

'Obama's insurance policy': DC chuckles after GOP congressman rules out impeaching Obama because – 'Have you met Joe Biden?'

A Republican congressman known as a pit bull in Washington said Thursday that he doesn't support the idea of impeachment proceedings against President Obama because winning that fight would elevate the vice president to the Oval Office.

'Have you met Joe Biden?' South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy asked during a Fox News Channel interview.

Impeachment talk has swirled around Washington since the president announced that an executive order overhauling America's immigration system is imminent.

But some in the GOP see Biden as Obama's hedge against removal from office, since much of his public exposure has come in conjunction with a series of embarrassing gaffes.



  1. The GOP should not impeach but block anything for the next two years that is unconstitutional. That will ensure a republican president and then they can proceed to undo the damage done.

  2. 9:29 - not simply block - but block with an alternative bipartisan solution...to show the people that Barry and Harry were the true obstructionists...that will guarantee the presidency in 2016.

    If we simply block, the voters will turn on us like they did two weeks ago - and we'll be back to the same socialism we're trying to get away from!

  3. As bad as democrats want more votes for the next election, the GOP should let Obama veto their bills and have enough democrats to over ride his vetoes. If progress continues to be null and void in congress, it will make for a tough time to get a GOP elected as president.


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