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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Obamacare Facebook Page Comments Mostly From Small Group Of Supporters

Americans began heading anew this weekend to President Obama’s official Obamacare Facebook page to gather information on the new round of health care enrollment, share their experiences shopping for insurance on the federal exchange and voice their opinions on the president’s signature domestic achievement.

However, what some would view as a robust marketplace of ideas is actually controlled by just a few, an analysis of the Web page shows.

Sixty percent of the site’s 226,838 comments generated from September 2012 to early last month can be attributed to fewer than 100 unique profiles, according to an analysis completed by The Washington Times with assistance from an outside data analytics team. Many of those profiles belong to just one person who created multiple aliases or personas to widen her influence and multiply her voice.



  1. Whaaa...?? Fakery, smoke and mirrors from Democrat Obama lovers???

    O. M. G.

    When did that start?

  2. With the advent of Homeland Security, the knowledge of ever encroaching nose up your axx NSA, we can only guess what a really truthful comment on that site would bring to your door and into your life. The dark shadow looms large, his powers without limit, all heads shall bow to the King Obama, the FREE world dictator of always biased race and Dark Force commentary. Quote: "We have some STUFF to get done". His words, not mine on National TV Nov. 5, 2014. The non specific word stuff, not exactly what world leaders say, is more representational of ghetto speak/ebonics. Think who it was, (which people), that constantly blew in his ear non stop and then helped the King scheme up his health scare legacy, How about, Little Nancy the Brain Fart Queen and Acid Harry the WannaBe Closet Dictator, then throw in a "Unrelenting Hillary Full Time Liar" and you've got a collective mix of self anointed DemiGods from Hell bent on All Things Obama, in Obama We Trust ...... Entrenched/Biased Self Serving Political Corruption instead of unbiased leadership, at the very top of American Politics. A few pearls of wisdom to ponder: 1. Sometimes things are not what they seem. 2. Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see.


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