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Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama Must Be Impeached And Removed To Stop His "Amnesty" Of Illegals

In an article on WesternJournalism.com they report: “Even though Obama himself has called such executive action illegal 25 times, as documented by Fox News, the president is now planning to issue a unilateral decree that will declare up to 5 million illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty.”


Already, Republicans on Capitol Hill are reacting strongly to the long-expected executive order. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz assails the presidential action as “the tactics of a monarch.”

GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa says, “The president is throwing this nation into a crisis.”

Indeed he is. His actions are unprecedented, unconstitutional, and will cause a firestorm. Even Obama, in previous days, has condemned the same actions he is now taking (rule by Executive Order to circumvent Congress) as “unconstitutional.”

Read the following from Oath Keepers founder and President, Stewart Rhodes:



  1. I am beginning to wonder if Joe Biden could really be worse than Obama...

  2. I am beginning to wonder if Biden could really be worse than Obama...

  3. No sure anyone in congress has the balls to do anything to stop this guy!

  4. No one does have the balls or it would have already been done by now.

  5. It would take the next two years of Republican nastiness to go through Obola, Biden, and whoever else to get a working government, but that would take us to election day where the GOP would have the reputation of doing nothing positive for us and only trying to destroy Dems.

    Not the best campaign strategy in my book.

    the GOP has control now, and sending Bills to Obola right and left and having him be the Veto King might be a better, more transparent approach to paint the Dems. as the Obstructionists.

    I personally am without the knowledge of Law to make the call, but I'm ready to see him go down as soon as possible with a Republican or Independent 10 years ahead of us.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I am beginning to wonder if Joe Biden could really be worse than Obama...

    November 21, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    You people are idiots that think Joe Biden is dumber than a clam and you prefer the illegal Muslim from Kenya over him. At least Biden is a citizen of the U.S.


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