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Friday, November 07, 2014

Obama Caught Ordering Press to Cover Up Ebola

Pharmacologist reveals how press has bowed to government demand to keep Americans in the dark

An eyebrow-raising admission at the end of a Forbes article written by pharmacologist David Kroll reveals that the media has agreed not to report on suspected Ebola cases in the United States.

In a piece entitled Liberian Traveler At Duke Hospital Shows Preliminary Negative Result For Ebola, Kroll describes attending a press conference involving Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Aldona Wos.

After revealing that “an unnamed official abruptly called the press conference to a close” when Wos was asked a difficult question about the suspected Ebola victim, Kroll then drops a bombshell.



  1. So what? I really don't care if someone doesn't have it. Only if they do. Way too much hype.

  2. These are the same cover-up tactics taken early on in the AIDS epidemic. People were blissful about not knowing then as well....until it hit home. Too many people don't care until they DO CARE because it hits home. As long as this level "not in my back yard" mentality prevails in this country it is easy for the government to hide as much as they want when it comes to anything they want. Wake up people.!!


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