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Monday, November 17, 2014

NRA warns of Obama-fueled 'end-run around Congress' on gun rights

The National Rifle Association issued a stark warning that a U.N. Arms Trade treaty set to take effect on Christmas Eve could lead to a U.S. crackdown on Second Amendment rights — not via a Senate ratification, but rather an “end-run around Congress,” a spokesperson said.

“We are worried about an end-run around Congress,” NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen told The Blaze. “Barack Obama or a future anti-gun president could use ATT and international norms compliance to rationalize enacting gun control politics through executive actions, especially in the import and export realms.”

The U.S. delegation to the United Nations supports the treaty, but the Senate, soon to be controlled by Republicans, is less than likely to ratify. But the current White House is publicly touting support for the treaty, and the NRA fears that support could eventually weave into the halls of Congress — or result in yet another one of President Obama’s executive orders.

“Even now, with an existing appropriations rider prohibiting action to implement the treaty unless it is approved by Congress, administration officials are publicly professing support for international efforts to bring the treaty into effect,” Ms. Mortensen told The Blaze. “That’s outrageous.”

She described the treaty as an “attempt by other countries, including some despotic regimes, to try and infringe on our constitutional rights.”

“This treaty is a very real threat,” she said.



  1. Try to enforce an INTERNATIONAL law that claims to override our own Constitution?? THAT would be right up their with the Bay of Pigs invasion as a monument to stupidity.
    But, on the other hand, we'd get a chance to thin the very large herd of people who think they know how the rest of us should be living.
    A VERY large herd that needs culling.

  2. That would be priceless. Blue helmets go ping!


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