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Friday, November 28, 2014

NFL star whose daughter’s battle with cancer captured hearts of nation has not paid child support in MONTHS, child’s mother claims

The NFL star whose daughter's battle with cancer is the league's feel-good story of the season has not paid child support in months, the girl's mother claims.

Devon Still, who plays defensive tackle for the Cincinnati Bengals, has not paid any child support for his four-year-old daughter Leah since July, according to her mother Channing Smythe.

The row threatens to overshadow what has been one of the few touching stories in a sport riddled with controversy, including allegations it was soft on domestic violence, encouraged drug use and covered up risks to players.

Ms Smythe's attorney, Gloria Allred, has delivered a letter to the NFL asking it to investigate if Still has violated its Personal Conduct Policy by failing to pay child support, the New York Daily News reports.

In a statement in the letter, Mr Smythe said: 'I don’t think it is fair that Devon Still, who is Leah’s father, has refused to pay any child support for her for the months of August, September, October and November of this year.'


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