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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Militant group offers cash rewards for 'location' of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson

And says ammunition will 'solve a lot of problems'

A group describing itself as a 'Militant Resistance' to a 'corrupt police state' has offered $5000 for details of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's whereabouts, MailOnline can reveal.

Officer Wilson, 28, has been in hiding on paid leave ever since he gunned down unarmed teenager Michael Brown, 18, on 9 August.

Now, in one of a series of incendiary tweets the RbG Black Rebels have stated, 'We are paying $5k cash for location of Ofc. Darren Wilson. Real $, no joke, no crime we just wana get his photo an ask him a few questions.'

And though the RbG Black Rebels insist this is not a bounty on the officer's head, the chilling offer is set in the context of a stream of violent online posts boasting of 'combat experience', 'stockpiling' ammunition, cleaning out gun stores and being WarReady.



  1. "Officer Wilson, 28, has been in hiding on paid leave ever since he gunned down unarmed teenager Michael Brown, 18, on 9 August."

    Has such a negative connotation... shouldn't defending oneself be viewed positively?

  2. No matter the outcome of the grand jury decision or any trial the police officer has lost his life already.

  3. Kops should wake up.
    This thing isn't about race.
    Its about Kops relations with the public

  4. They will not be satisfied until this man is lynched in the town square. Shame, shame, shame on them.

  5. Let's be honest here. Brown was a terrorist. He ran around terrorizing local businesses and just like all terrorists needed to be eliminated.
    Who cares if he was a teen ager armed or not. He was a POS who preyed on hard working people by stealing from them and pushing them around.
    If society is to regain any amount of civility, garbage like Brown needs to be gone.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    Kops should wake up.
    This thing isn't about race.
    Its about Kops relations with the public

    November 20, 2014 at 11:45 AM"

    No it's not. It's about trash like Brown who are criminals and are making neighborhoods unfit for any decent people that are stuck living in them. I have no sympathy for him or his uncivilized mother either. She acts like something out of a jungle somewhere. People like her don't deserve the time of day from decent people.
    I remember on the day of his funeral the area experienced record heat. This was no coincidence. It was God preparing the "mourners" for what awaits them when they die and that is hell. These are the devils people doing his work on earth.

  7. Can't these thugs see that Officer Wilson's life is over too. He may not be dead like Brown but thugs like those in Ferguson will not let him live in peace, ever. I honestly feel for officers today because of nasty people like these. They want to just take a picture and talk, NOT. They want Officer Wilson dead, period.

  8. I think somebody needs to give them the information, only have a several swat teams waiting to take them in if they show up with guns. (Like they really just want to talk to the officer, sure!)

  9. This reads a lot like an incitement to commit a criminal act - which should be investigated and prevented.

    Granted, that prevention would only make things worse...for Ferguson.....

  10. Where is the FBI on this one?

  11. Ofc. Wilson is at my house. Let me get my family to a safe location and get some of my friends to come over Sunday. You can keep the $5000.00 reward, hell I'll even put the dogs up. I will announce the address as soon has all my friends have arrived. Then please come on down the lane. It's a ways. Say about 1:00pm that should be enough time.

  12. 12:43 I will join you along with my friends from the VFW and American Legion.

  13. BREAKING NEWS...got the address, no reward required - 1800 Pennsylvania Ave, Wash DC. Do what you gotta do.

  14. 1:35 Edward R. Murrow Park? I think you meant 2 blocks Southeast?

  15. I am really getting sick about Ferguson. Do they think that the citizens of Ferguson commits a crimes it's not against the law, but of course if one gets hurt when they commit the crime the other person is breaking the law. Why are they the exception?

  16. When will white people get tired of this and put an end to it?


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