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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Md. Democrats Discuss Aftershocks Of Election

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- Maryland Democrats are discussing the political aftershocks of the Nov. 4 election and what they must do to bounce back.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski convened a two-hour discussion with congressional Democrats in Annapolis on Monday.

As Democrats look forward to 2016, Mikulski says the party has a lot of homework to do and will look more to successful grassroots efforts for guidance. She says Democrats also need to make sure they are connecting with people in terms of their day-to-day lives, so they feel like government is on their side.



  1. The clueless leading the clueless. LOL!

    And they are following her lead????


  2. The Dems have already blown it by reelecting Pelosi as their leader in the House.

  3. What's it mean when you have twice as many voters and still loose?

  4. They are there to legislate, NOT to discuss the future of their PARTY (or to use the instrument of Government to preserve their party).

    I think they missed the referendum on that in the last election.
    Now is not the time for conservatives to relax, now is time to close in for the KILL and expose the Democrats for the hypocrite Communists they really are. We already know their policies are a failure and they accuse opponents of everything they themselves are guilty of!


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