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Monday, November 24, 2014

Maryland Unemployment Rate Improves In October

Maryland added 1,400 jobs in October, pushing the state's unemployment rate down to 6 percent.

The job market was boosted by the private sector, which posted a gain of 3,900 jobs in the month, according to data released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor. The unemployment rate is down from 6.3 percent in September.

During October, the professional and business sector led the way, adding 2,600 jobs. Education and health care services gained 1,200 jobs, while manufacturing grew by 400 jobs.



  1. The show "shark tank" has still created more business and jobs in the past 3 years than maryland.

  2. "creative" job numbers coming from ALL segments of government. All numbers are skewed, twisted, and fudged. Unemployment and under-employment and those No longer looking are astronomical. Don't be deceived...

  3. who believes any of this propaganda?


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