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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Maryland SC NAACP Press Statement in Response To Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

Forwarded and supported by
Wicomico County NAACP Branch 7028.Mary Ashanti, President

Last night, we watched in deep disappointment, as the Ferguson Grand Jury did not indict Officer Darren Wilson for the tragic death of Michael Brown Jr.

As a tireless defender of the civil rights of all Marylanders, the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP stands with our local branches, community members, and young people who are committed to continuing the fight against racial profiling, police brutality and the militarization of local authorities here in the state of Maryland.

This moment marks the beginning of a new stage of advocacy and presents an opportunity for Maryland's lawmakers to step up and show that they respect the lives of our youth and our law enforcement.

That is why the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP will work tirelessly with partners and local units to pursue legislation to protect citizens and law enforcement from acts of violence as well as demilitarize the police force, and establish independent oversight of police involved deaths to create a more transparent review process which include:

Requiring all Maryland Police cars have dash cameras, and all Maryland police officers wear body cameras

Requiring independent review of every police involved shooting in the state

Requiring diversity training for all officers in the state

Requiring the establishment of local citizens review boards for police oversight, and

Establishing concrete steps to lower the current amount of military weapons and equipment flowing to police forces in the state, and limit the purchase of said weapons and equipment in the future.

Maryland State Conference NAACP President, Gerald Stansbury-

"As defenders of the civil rights of all Marylanders, we have a requirement to protect the most basic civil right in our country--the right to live; and the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP, our local units, and our allies will not stand down until we create greater accountability and security for our citizens and law enforcement alike. And the best way for us to do that is to institutionalize reform."

Contact Person-
Gerald Stansbury
Maryland State Conference NAACP President


  1. It will be difficult for thugs like Mike Brown to dispute the truth. Cameras usually work in protecting the officer and proving the criminal at fault. What's next allegations that the video was doctored? Be careful what you ask for.

  2. Mary, next time you are a victim, call a local thug! Cops have better people to serve

  3. Read this statement again:
    "As defenders of the civil rights of all Marylanders, we have a requirement to protect the most basic civil right in our country--the right to live; and the Maryland State Conference of the NAACP, our local units, and our allies will not stand down until we create greater accountability and security for our citizens and law enforcement alike. And the best way for us to do that is to institutionalize reform."

    I agree. I agree 100%. Especially the "...right to live..." part.
    As a white person, please defend my right to someday be able to walk freely and without fear in ANY urban neighborhood or inner city area.
    How about "...create greater accountability..."?
    Hold your members - and ones that come under the umbrella of the NAACP - accountable for the majority of crime.
    THAT is "...the best way for us to do that is to institutionalize reform."

  4. But the truth does not matter to the people who make their living off of racial strife.

  5. They say they will require these demands? Cameras will prove they are lawless thugs.

  6. The best way to break up the riots in Ferguson is to fly helicopters over those people and drop job applications.

  7. Funny, when I watched I was so glad the way it turned out. If people would behave their damn selves, there wouldn't be any issues. Cameras on cars and police uniforms, you would see what the police have to put up with. I don''t care if you are black, white or any other color, behave and respect the police. I do believe that there are a few bad apples in police dept. but not in this case. Nothing gives people to riot the way they did.

    Ps Keep giving the military supplies to the police cause they need the upper hand at situation like we been viewing on tv

  8. cameras also catch some kops doing illegal acts, more than once.

  9. They won't be happy until all existing rules don't apply to them and they can do anything they damn well please!!!

  10. http://www.break.com/video/black-man-racially-insensitive-or-speaking-the-truth-2790923

  11. why don't michael brown's parents step up to the plate accept the blame for his death not raising him to be a law abiding,disciplined teenager is the parents fault,not society's

  12. Funny how all these items listed, are all one-sided "gimmes" at the expense of the innocent taxpayer.

    Not one "requirement" for black parents to teach their children respect for others, and respect for authority, and how to tell the difference between lawful police activity in the interest of public safety, and true acts of racism.

    Not one offer to provide funding for those cameras, which I am sure every good, honest cop will be grateful, for his own safety.

    Not one "requirement" to impose "diversity training" on blacks who use racially insensitive language or commit racially based crimes.

    It's all "you have to do this for us or else", not "we must do certain things for ourselves, such as go to school, not teach our children to glorify criminality, and stop acting violent if we don't get what we want".

    Protect the civil rights of all Marylanders? She seems to forget, not all Marylanders are black.

  13. I'm confused at the backlash here. These sound like rules the freedom-loving anti-police state right would agree with. Actually have seen many agree with these exact same suggestions on this very forum
    Hmm mm, must be the messenger. Sorta like "eat right and exercise" becoming sensational when it was repeated by a certain first lady

  14. Anonymous said...
    Mary, next time you are a victim, call a local thug! Cops have better people to serve

    November 26, 2014 at 9:09 PM


    Maybe her peoples(da thugs) will get there faster with their guns.

  15. There will always be racism as long as you have the Al Sharpton's and Mary Ashanti's of the world. White people will NEVER respect you as long as you are creating racist groups and defending thugs. Schools are full of these kids that don't want to learn, cause problems and then quit and become thugs. And now because of integrated schools, the other kids can't learn either.

    1. There will always be racism as long as people continue to have views such as yours. If you think integrated schools are the problem with America and/or the education system...than you, my friend, are simply a racist.

  16. Sorta like "eat right and exercise" becoming sensational when it was repeated by a certain first lady

    November 26, 2014 at 11:03 PM

    I don't know about that but the school lunches she forced down kids throats have not gone over well. I don't think they would have anything to do race, just taste.

  17. You had a dream , a black society with out any law.
    A white society to support your wants and needs with volumes of cash.
    Dear Mary
    Please read 9:20 and digest it , if you don't understand it , call Ben Carson , he will explain.

  18. They will not admit to the fact of what the mother did. Out with the crowd, cursing and acting like a hood rat. Also the boys step father inciting the crowd to burn it down. He should have been arrested for inciting them to burn it down. If they are any example of the way he was raised, then they should take part of the blame for his death. If they acted the way they did out in the crowd. Then they are sure to act that way at home and children take after their parents or most of them do.

  19. Wow!!! Nothing like an organization being stuck in the 60s. We don't have a racial issue, we have a liberalism issue. Liberalism has created the attitude in black community of unaccountability, victimization, handouts, disrespecting authority, reverse racism to other cultures/races, break down in the family unit, womanizing, and blaming everyone else for their plight. As long as the NAACP, Jackson and Sharpton have the ears of blacks, they will continue this path, only to benefit the pockets of their leaders. Wake up America, its 2014.

  20. Ted Nugent said it most eloquently,
    "Ferguson is the epicenter of denial".
    I'll add, the NAACP is the ultimate forum for denial!

  21. If Michael Brown had been brought up right and learned a thing or two, first of all he would not have been in that store stealing, then pushing the owner around as he left with the stolen property. Why did he think it was ok to steal - according to Mom he was just wonderful and she believes the officer was just out to shoot someone that day and it happened to be her son - WRONG. Her son was wrong and she will not admit it because if she did it would show her failure as a parent. Just admit that he was wrong. I know she lost a son and that is hard to take, but Officer Wilson did his job as he was trained to do and I guess her son did his job as he was trained - disrespect everyone.

    1. Michael Brown should not have been stealing....but Michael Brown also should not have been shot dead and left in the street for 4.5 hours. You know nothing of his upbringing and you know absolutely nothing of his mother's ability to parent him. To assume that he's just a thieving immoral person with no home training is just your way of feeling as if his death is justified so that you can avoid swallowing the truth that the justice system in America rarely protects the life of black people. Again, I repeat, Michael Brown should not have been stealing. But theft and jaywalking has never meant a death sentence...and it will never equate to a death sentence for white Americans.

  22. I do agree with a lot of what she said. I also agree with 10:57.

  23. What a bunch of racists I hope each and everyone are scrutinized by their own thug mentality than a court of law when the time comes.

  24. She should stop rabble rousing and address the real problem -- crime committed by blacks.

  25. "Hmm mm, must be the messenger. Sorta like "eat right and exercise" becoming sensational when it was repeated by a certain first lady"

    Hmm mm - maybe it DOES have something to do with the messenger, 11:03. Sorta like 'clean up your own community' before making demands of everybody else. Like maybe civil rights aren't just for black 'activists' but instead, are for everybody. Like maybe fewer people are buying this racist double-talk these days.

  26. Because of whining and agitating against police by the NAACP and others like Mary Ashanti whenever a black is accosted or assaulted by a policeman in the lawful course of duty, the law enforcement personnel are becoming reticent about getting involved. As a result crime by blacks is soaring -- what occurred in Ferguson the other night is an example.

    Thanks to her and her followers it is happening in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  27. First off a grand jury doesn't indict. They recommend whether to indict or not.
    That's as far as I've read and as far as I'm going to read because I'm sure there is ZERO mention of the real and only problem, which is the breakdown of the African American family-nothing more nothing less. When and until they address that issue will they be taken seriously and become relevant. Until then they are to be dismissed for the excuse makers that they are.

  28. I agree with the cameras for police for everyone's good. I agree with teaching all citizens not to steal, do drugs, assault others, kill others, etc. I agree with capping welfare benefits at two or three kids no matter how many are produced.

  29. Liberals. They want everyone to change and take no responsibility for themselves.

  30. As children we all learned the easiest way to avoid accountability was place blame on others. Without honorable and moral parents or role models this learned behavior never changes.

  31. Part of their title is For Advancement of Colored People. So they think that attacking a police officer and strong armed robbery and looting and arson is helping to advance colored people? Give me a break! What they are saying is they don't want to have to abide by the laws.

  32. Only evil people would give any account to Brown. He and his terrorist ways is what is causing the decline of black neighborhood. He was a thief and he was violent. He had no business stealing someone else's property nor showing himself by pushing the shop keeper around. He should be forgotten.
    If Mary Ashanti had an ounce of class and was brought up in a good home herself the message she would be bringing forth would be young black men need not to be committing crime.

    1. Your assumptions are boldly ignorant and insensitive. Michael Brown was a HUMAN BEING. He may not lived his life according to your standards but keep in mind that you know very LITTLE of his life...you know very little of what brought him to that day. But nonetheless he was someone's child, someone's friend...he was a human being whose life MATTERS. To say he should be forgotten is extremely offensive and implies that those who commit any wrong doing should be put to death. Darren Wilson murdered him?....shall Darren be murdered and forgotten as well?

  33. I wouldn't mind the cameras but you know they'd be hollering about that and saying tapes are doctored or whatever.
    The main difficulty with these people is the truth could smack them right in the head, and they will never accept it because they will sell their souls to create a false narrative to fit an agenda. They know the truth about Brown but dishonesty is so prevalent in some blacks that they just ignore the truth. These types just need to be ignored and the focus on the blacks who really are intent on solving the crime problem.

    1. "These people" would say the exact same thing about you. What's missing in your statement is the desire to understand. The frustration of the black community goes beyond Michael Brown. The blacks who are really intent on solving the crime problem are equally as intent on solving the justice problem. But neither of these problems can be appropriately addressed until all parties acknowledge that a very real problem exists in the first place.

  34. There will always be racism because compromise is not possible.The involved factions are too far apart to establish a common ground.Look at it this way;it's difficult enough for a man and a woman to compromise and get along.The day when all ethnicities can get along may never arrive.

  35. I think racism will continue to exist as well 10:25 but not for the reasons you stated though I really don't understand what you mean by compromise.
    Racism will exist because of the madness caused by nothing more than a common criminal (Brown.)
    Racism will exist because of the lack of outrage whites see when a black child is killed by a drive by shooting committed by another black.
    This is not something white people can understand. It makes it seem as if blacks are a different breed of humanity.

  36. All of these things the 'thug-defender' is asking for will only serve to prove the thugs are thugs!

    Until their society reduces its dependence on government handouts and criminal activity, not much will change...they still will be looked down on as the lower class of people they prove to be again and again.

  37. Mckenzie Elliott. Does the name ring a bell to anyone?
    A precious 3 year old black child shot and KILLED on Aug 1, 2014 while on her porch by another black who choose to start a gunfight with others on the porch. She was the only one KILLED.
    I searched high and low online from something just anything out of the NAACP about this and NOTHING. Not a peep out of them and you know what-I hate them for this.
    They are nothing but a bunch of bottom feeders who unless they can attach their racial agenda to a death remain silent. They can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

  38. Mary Ashanti's efforts would be better spent up in Detroit.

    Ferguson, MO is minuscule compared to the black violence & murders in Detroit. Yet - the MSM is virtually silent.

  39. Watching & Listening to NAACP Leaders like Mary,they kind of promotes racism. Brown was a thug can't feel sorry for him. Parents should shoulder some of the blame. With a step father like he had how can you call us whites racists ?

  40. Speaking of riots, the real riot was the step father. Never seen anything like it in my 52 years. It resembled a human being but I'm not sure. Jumping around like it was walking on hot coals, hollering some mumble jumble about burning this bitch down. Pants nearly falling off. I've watched it several times. It never fails to disappoint and is actually quite amusing.

  41. Brown was caught on video stealing. This contributes to the decline of neighborhoods. Why anyone would ever protest his death, no matter the circumstances, is sickening beyond belief.
    This is why racism exists. As long as blacks continue to make martyrs out of criminals they will never be accepted as equals. It's not what a civil society does-ever!

  42. Obviously she doesn't believe in the Judicial System or juries. Hope she never finds herself in front of a jury, because she is always a racist, never looks at facts just a female Al Sharpton. Wish she'd move.

  43. The NAACP is irrelevant in today's world, and they know it. The President is Black. The top lawman in the country is Black.
    They need to jump on this sort of thing or the money runs out.
    Just as the anti-smoking coalition needs to constantly have new rules (now banning E-cigarettes) enacted to remain relevant.
    Just as MADD constantly petitions Congress to lower the blood alcohol level for drivers (now down to as little as two glasses of wine) to remain relevant.
    It's all about the money, folks. Pure and simple.
    If you seriously think that the Brown family - 'specially mom - is doing this for ANYTHING other than the money and the lawsuits, then I have a couple of bridges for sale that you may like to buy.
    If she really gave a rat's a$$ about her son, he wouldn't have been out there stealing.

  44. "If she really gave a rat's a$$ about her son, he wouldn't have been out there stealing."

    You got that right! Protesting over the death of a thief. Ashanti and the rest of them should be ashamed of themselves for paying any attention what so ever to a common thief. The funny thing is they are too uneducated to see this is why their neighborhoods are war zones. The 'stupid American voter' fits these people who idolize Obama to a tee.

  45. Cap welfare benefits at two kids and reduce the population explosion of people who can't take care of themselves.

  46. I wonder if an 18 y/o girl who shoplifted would have been shot 6 times.... If so I wonder if those opposing her death would be called " thug- defenders"

  47. I have read all of these comments and I am appalled by all the negative talk I hear about the black community. This lady is simply suggesting cameras for the safety and accountability for all parties involved in police interactions. Let me repeat, I said ACCOUNTABILITY FOR EVERYONE. I fail to see why that should be a problem for anyone. If her proposal is the real issue here I have two occasions where dash cameras in police cars were use were effectively. There is the recent case of the South Carolina trooper shooting an unarmed man for following his directions. Then there was the one where a lady and her teenage son tried hurt an officer during a traffic stop. Both of these can be found on YouTube.

    Now let's talk about Michael Brown since he seems to be the topic of this discussion. First I will start by saying he was wrong for stealing and shoving the store owner. But his encounter with the officer was not about that. The officer stopped him because he was walking in the street. How many of you have teenage kids who walk in the middle of the street of your neighborhoods? Do you think a cop would stop and yell at them to get out of the street or simply wait until they realized a car needed to pass and then continue on once they moved to the side? Maybe Michael's thuggish look aka big, young, black man warranted a more aggressive approach.

    Now let's address the grand jury decision. Judging from your comments I can only assume that Michaels acts inside of the store helped them determine that there was not enough evidence for a trial. Or better yet if the authorities had so much evidence to clear the officer then the grand jury was unnecessary to begin with. Perhaps it was just a ploy to have a trial without having a trial so they could cover up what really happened.


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