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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Maggie McIntosh - Lead Sponsor Exempting All MD School Teachers from having to pay any Real Estate Taxes on their own homes

This is what our new House Appropriations Chairman - Maggie McIntosh has accomplished in the past!

Try and raise everyone else's taxes in order to pick-up the tab to exempt MD's public school teachers from having to pay any real estate taxes.

I am not making this stuff up. Read the bill yourself - particularly the fiscal note!

It gets even better - the very next year - (2006) - Maggie McIntosh sponsored yet another bill - this time proposing to exempt not only the school teachers - but also the fire fighters, and Law enforcement from having to pay any real estate taxes.

The PEOPLE need to know this type of information. Also - do you recognize some of the other lead sponsors?

And our citizens wonder why our State is so deep in debt - it's really a no-brainer.

1 comment:

  1. How does this help anyone but teachers? How do you single out one specific group to receive a benefit like this? Seems like they are trying to save teachers some cash because they are not receiving the raises they should.


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