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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Josh Hastings Overheard, You Get Rid Of Joe Albero And I'll Join The Republican Party

Last week Chuck Cook was on Facebook telling people I was the head of the local Wicomico Republican Club. 

I had done a post referencing him saying that and I added, when I ran for Mayor, the local Republican Club refused to afford me the opportunity to speak, yet they invited DEMOCRAT Debbie Campbell the opportunity.

So it would be far fetched to ever believe anything Chuck Cook was saying to be true.

In a very recent gathering, Josh Hastings was overheard telling Wicomico County Republican President Jackie Welfonder, get rid of Joe Albero and I'll join the republican party. 

OK JOSH, get rid of me, HOW? 


  1. What makes him think the Republicans even want him, I know I don't?

    1. Ditto 9:04. That boy is a d.b.!

  2. We do want you Joe!!! But I have no clue who the man in the photo is????

  3. This guy is slime personified!

  4. Josh Hastings made an idiotic statement. And it is clear that he never was nor ever will be a republican. If he is soo hurt over one person being in the group that he will not join how do you think he will behave once elected? You will see more of this childish behavior.

    What makes a true leader effective is their ability to discuss a problem with the other side so that you can reach a win-win situation for all. For far too long politics has been about me, me, me, mine, mine, mine. Meanwhile nothing is getting done and the only real victim is the public. Life is not an all or nothing game and neither is politics.

    And if Joe is such a rat bastard it would be better to effect change from inside the party not outside. So there again it shows me that Josh is just a child and has no place in any position of authority.

    And another thing. People take what Joe does on here so personally. It is misplaced anger. Most of what Joe reports is merely the behavior of others. They are upset because Joe calls them out but they never give thought to not acting unethically, or immorally. It never crosses their mind.

    So again thank you Joe for this forum and the only actual news outlet in Salisbury and the greater surrounding area.

  5. I sincerely hope & think that Jackie Welfonder knows how to understand what she was told.

  6. Ginn, look her up on Facebook and see who all her close friends are. More so, look who she holds conversations with. Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, etc.. Yeah, she's a REPUBLICAL alright.

    I should add, check into how much money she's making off the republican candidate websites. Can you say, conflict of interest!

  7. Jackie is a very dedicated Republican who works VERY hard on several local campaigns that you support Joe. She puts in countless volunteer hours that are UNPAID. There are MANY options Republican's can choose for running their website, and if they go with her it is for her pure dedication she puts forth. Websites are NOT her full time job so IF she is making any money working on websites it is as a second job - something very few people have the talent and skill to do, in a time when so few people are even willing to hold down 1 not to mention 2 jobs.

  8. Joe, thanks for exposing Wellfonder. A huge conflict of interest is what she has with her leading the Republican Club. The membership needs to address this issue after this election.

  9. 11:42, Oh cut the crap. GO to those websites and they are as basic as they come. She charges $300.00 to set up a site and in some cases $300.00 a month to maintain them.

    I noticed you said NOTHING about the company this alleged and supposed republican keeps.

  10. She told me Bob Culver turned his website over to someone else. She also wasn't very happy about it.

  11. Joe...I was really gonna rip Josh a new one, until I read your opinion of Jackie....regardless of her political affiliations, Jackie is a sweetheart that would do anything for you...I have worked with Jackie and yes, she is on my FB...Joe...in order to gain respect and maintain it, you've got to stop putting people down to prove a point....people that put others down to prove a point, has no point to prove...if you can't stand on your convictions alone without dragging someone down, then apparently you are not as strong in your convictions....LOVE YOU JACKIE WELLFOUNDER!!! BTW...I do not mind leaving my name...Kimberly Pusey..

  12. I find it funny on a previous blog post, you attack local Republicans for not working to help candidates. Then, on this post, you attack one of the most active GOP workers in the area.

    And attacking someone for having Democrats as Facebook friends is ridiculous. You can be friends with a Democrat and still be a strong conservative.

  13. 1:40, Perhaps YOU should look harder at the company, (democrats) she keeps.

    As hard as I am on democrats, Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton, (and others) are much harder on republicans.

    When I think someone is/are a scumbag/s and the head of the republican party in this county is best buds with them, THERE'S A PROBLEM.

    As I stated, there are RINO's running the Wicomico Republican Club and many members are either blind or flat out stupid.

    So there Chuck, do you still want to believe I run the republican party here on the Shore?

    I'm simply the ONLY MAN strong enough to speak the truth of what I believe. Everyone else just kisses asses and talks behind their backs.

  14. Joe,did you know you are the face of the republican party?

  15. Jackie's own website is a joke. Candidates spend $300 for her to make them another horrid website? Just goes to show...the eastern shore would rather save a buck and be happy with poor workmanship than spend two dollars and buy quality.


  16. Her websites use pretty high standards and is very modern and sleek. Considering the MASSIVE lack of technically-inclined professionals in the region, I'd say none of you have anything to say.

    Oh and by the way, you can make over 60k/yr right off the bat as a programmer, and it requires no college degree. These are the blue-collar jobs of today.

  17. @4:10 I am no web developer. If you think wellfondergroup.com use pretty high standards, is very modern, and sleek, it's obvious that you aren't either.

  18. To 12:52 Poster that said - Joe keeps putting people down.

    My response: We'll stop putting people down when they stop threatening to have SBYnews reporters arrested for simply trying to keep the public informed. From declaring No Fly Zones to revealing millions of dollars in waste, fraud, and abuse - since when did telling the truth become a crime in America.

    My God woman - you have no idea what happens when your a 'messenger of the truth'. If they crucified Jesus Christ for simply speaking the truth - what do you think they've tried to do to SBYnews staff. The fact is - most of current administration don't want you to know the truth - Republicans (RINOs) included. If we seem a little mean spirited every now and then - maybe you'll understand why.

  19. Anonymous said...
    We do want you Joe!!! But I have no clue who the man in the photo is????

    October 28, 2014 at 9:12 AM

    This guy is a lying scum bag telling people he is a Republican when he goes to their homes. He looks at the walking list and if it says the resident is a Republican he is a Republican. If they are Democrats he tells them they are Democrats.

  20. Anonymous said...
    She told me Bob Culver turned his website over to someone else. She also wasn't very happy about it.

    October 28, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    Well she shouldn't have gouged him for doing nothing to the site. She took over as a volunteer and he didn't expect her to start charging him. Running a local campaign takes volunteers to run not greedy people like her. How much is she charging Anderton for her support?

  21. This thread is about Josh Hastings lying again about being a republican or becoming a Republican.

    Please get back on track. Jackie is a nice person and does some good things. She just keeps wrong company and that is not got for politics.

    Josh Hastings is the Scumbag.

  22. I see the Wayne Gilchrest quote on that picture. What a Douche Bag. Gilchrest is a sore loser who endorses only Democrats now because he thinks the party turned on him. The party did not turn on Wayne Gilchrest, Wayne became a very liberal tree hugger who now works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, the same liberal land grabbing group that that Josh Hastings works for. He endorsed Obama and Heather Mizeur.

  23. 6:19
    You are really bringing a biblical argument into this discussion of facts? Get out.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Joe...I was really gonna rip Josh a new one, until I read your opinion of Jackie....regardless of her political affiliations, Jackie is a sweetheart that would do anything for you...I have worked with Jackie and yes, she is on my FB...Joe...in order to gain respect and maintain it, you've got to stop putting people down to prove a point....people that put others down to prove a point, has no point to prove...if you can't stand on your convictions alone without dragging someone down, then apparently you are not as strong in your convictions....LOVE YOU JACKIE WELLFOUNDER!!! BTW...I do not mind leaving my name...Kimberly Pusey..

    October 28, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    What is stopping you from ripping Josh a new one. This thread is about Josh Hastings making threats about Joe and then he will become a Republican. Not only is Josh Hastings making a threat he is telling a lie. Josh Hastings is in deep with the Democrats. He is/was Vice President of the Wicomico County Democrat Club. He worked on Laura Mitchell's campaign. He worked hard to get Jim Ireton elected. He worked hard to get Jim Mathias elected. He is a close friend of Jim Mathias, wink, wink. He worked 3 years in Annapolis and Baltimore for the most liberal Democrat in the house as a legislative aid and he refuses to acknowledge who it is on his website. It is Senator Joan Conway(D) from Baltimore City, look it up. He is lying to the voters telling them what they want to hear just to get their vote. He is telling the Democrats that he is a Democrat, which he is. He is leading Republicans to believe he is either a moderate, Independent, conservative Democrat and even a Republican. He is telling Independents that he is an independent just to get their vote. The guy is a liar and he hopes to get elected and he will be the worst lying politician this area has ever seen.


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