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Monday, November 03, 2014

It's Very Simple Ladies & Gentlemen

Don't you believe for one second that ANY candidate is a slam dunk in this election.

Each and every one of us need to get out and VOTE. YOU do have the POWER to make your lives much better and STOP allowing these Liberals to continue taxing and spending. 

The Liberal Machine is using social media and hundreds of millions of dollars to try to keep their seats. They are LYING in a very big way and YOU have the opportunity to STOP them. 

There are very bright lights at the end of the tunnel but only YOU can make it become a reality. This is NOT about a Republican win. This is about lowering your taxes. This is about stopping a rain tax. This is about truly doing everything we can to create real jobs and not just words we've been hearing for the past 8 years. 

Seriously Ladies & Gentlemen, just look back at the Jobs Report for Wicomico County and the entire Eastern Shore. Look back at the taxes and fees. Travel over the Bay Bridge and just hand them your heard earned cash, for no reason at all. 

Mathias has LIED in his commercials, even using his deceased Wife and children as a ploy to get a sympathy vote. Well, where was he when his Wife was alive. He shouldn't be REACTIVE. He should have been PROACTIVE! Yeah, NO ONE will go there but tens of thousands of you who have seen that commercial have been thinking the same exact thing. SHAMEFUL! DESPERATE! 

Some have attempted to try and say Mike McDermott is double dipping and that he voted for his own pay raise. Completely untrue. Funny how Mathias works for Royal Plus and uses his position to travel around the country whenever a disaster hits and selling the Insurance Companies and Municipalities on the services of Royal Plus as a State Senator. How ethical is that? McDermott does not abuse his power. 

As for Rick Pollitt and Norm Conway, JUST LOOK AT THE LACK OF JOBS! Conway isn't bringing jobs to the Shore. In fact, raising the Tolls on the Bay Bridge is discouraging people from coming here, especially trucking companies who bring FOOD and SUPPLIES. Do you really think these companies are eating these additional expenses. YOU pay more for goods every time they raise fees.

We have shown you for YEARS all of the For Rent and For Sale signs throughout Wicomico County. EIGHT YEAR IS ENOUGH! To watch ALL of the Liberal Leaders now in Office saying their top priority is JOBS, are you kidding me! 

The Liberals top priority is to RAISE YOUR TAXES. Four more years of this crap and every one of you will be calling your Parents and asking if you can come back home. Just ask Josh Hastings. Here's a guy who allegedly lives with his Parents and doesn't even own a home in Wicomico County. Look at Laura Mitchell, living in affordable housing and on public assistance.

As for Brown, well, many of you voted for Obama and O'Malley, do you really want four more years of the same? Hogan is a very successful businessman who has the kind of Leadership Maryland desperately needs.  

Are Wicomico County voters really this stupid? I guess we'll know better tomorrow night, won't we. I believe we'll see a clean sweep for Republicans because Enough is Enough. 


  1. Jim Mathias lost my vote just as soon as I saw that commercial. Everyone loved his wife. Disgraceful immediately came to mind when we saw it.

  2. Thanks for the "get the vote out"post, Joe.

  3. Joe,

    Man, I give you credit... I really truly do...

    I am afraid to say, YES the wicomico county voters are really that stupid, or you chalk it up to voter fraud, and since no one thinks there is fraud then it has to be the latter of the two...

    As I have told you and your readers for years, This election was the most important one... WHEN not IF the DEMS win the HOUSE, they can pass ANY BILL THEY CAN CONJURE UP... And at that point who can stop them? A president to veto? yeah right, you have a better chance of turning ketchup into gold before that happens...

    All I can offer to you now Joe is this... Its over, america is over, and people gave it away for the guise of free shit... After this election is lost by US, there is nothing to fight for anymore, the govt can do as it pleases whether you like it or not (even though they have already been doing that)... NOW all we can do is fight for humanity... That is it... Because everyone will soon see the obama care in full force, everyone will see the taxes and fees in full force, you know the ones they said wouldn't start UNTIL after THIS ELECTION? remeber? of course not, your attention span is as long as a piece of dirt stuck in a nats ass...

    Everyone will need help, everyone will beg for help... NONE WILL COME...

  4. I have voted since the day I was able to vote (age) and I intend to vote tomorrow...but....what I worry about (first time) is that the vote will be to no avail because it can be altered by anyone at any time. I will still vote (because it is our duty and not just a right) but I'm frightened for this country like never before.

  5. Great post Joe.

    I'd like to add to the "for rent and for sale signs", that since the recession and housing disaster of eight years ago the resale value of my modest 10-year-old home has dropped approximately $70,000. I've been wanting desperately to sell but can't because my home is no longer worth enough for me to re-buy.

    I agree with 12:22 above that our once great America is over. It'll not only take truly great Conservative leaders but also a huge miracle to even begin pulling us out of the critical mess the Liberals have made.

    As I walk away from the voting machine tomorrow, I will be praying that my REPUBLICAN votes, and everyone elses, will not be criminally changed.

    I am also praying for a huge win for all REPUBLICANS tomorrow.

  6. It's just like when Jim brags about being a life member of the OCVFC, he NEVER did one single thing, fought 1 single fire, just rode the shirt tail! Yes, his wife was an angel, and he now prays on her good will. SHAME ON YOU JIM!

  7. Rumors years ago were that Shore Up was totally devoted to everything democratic in the months leading up to an election. Cold calls were made from desks in the office and cars were used to take democrats to vote. I wonder if those rumors were true or still are circulating. You might want to check on that one Joe.


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