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Sunday, November 16, 2014

In Business, If Something Isn't Working, You Make Changes

Yesterday the Daily Times created news by suggesting there are "rumors" out there that newly elected County Executive Bob Culver might "clean house". 

Clearly the Daily Times is trying to stir the pot but come on now, does anyone really think some major changes aren't being considered? 

Under Rick Pollitt we've experienced tax increases each and every year he's been in office. Each and every time he'd say, tell me what services YOU would like to give up, as if my world would come to an end if we didn't buy hundreds of acres of land the County isn't doing anything with anyway. 

Nevertheless, the voters have asked for new leadership and retaining what Pollitt had, (in my opinion) is ridiculous. 

Now I'm not at all suggesting Culver "clean house". However, there are some positions in which Culver can save quite a bit of taxpayer money. Heck, there are even some positions that can be completely eliminated. 

In the mean time, for those of you scared you might lose your job, YOU SHOULD BE! The performance we taxpayers have experienced SUCKS. You don't get paid big money just to show up 9-5. We need, no, forget that. We insist the people working in these departments are more creative, delivering ideas and ways to SAVE more taxpayer money. 

In the real world, this is how you keep your job. This crap of keeping people because it's a government job is for the birds any more. There are just too many people in this County who lost their decent paying jobs because GOVERNMENT forced the companies they worked for out. Heck, I know of another business leaving the County because of the taxes and are relocating to Sussex County in Delaware. 

So it should NOT be a RUMOR. If I were in Bob Culver's shoes I would have rocked the employees world by simply stating, everyone is replaceable. Wicomico County will not go under because a select group of people quit their job and moved on. LET THEM! 

Everyone has SIX MONTHS to deliver. If they cannot come through with more efficient ways to run their departments, thanks but no thanks. 

Hopefully, if the Daily Times doesn't get behind the newly elected leadership and stop doing stories about "rumors", Culver will get creative and fire the Daily Times too. Now THAT'S creative.  


  1. A lot depends on how cooperative Pollitt is in the transition with how quickly Culver can do anything. Does the Charter even have guidelines for a transition. Why did the lame duck go to the bond meeting? Why didn't Culver go? I'm sure Rick used his "power" as the sitting executive to exclude him. Is that the gracious gentleman that some are trying to portray Pollitt as or is that petty politics? So much for "building bridges" - more like classless, selfish behavior.

    Culver has a big job to uncover all the abuses that have been going on. Employees and managers will tell anyone that Pollitt was not around and not involved. The foxes have been in the hen house and they aren't going to give up their "goodies" easily.

    Culver has to do this legally too, so he has to wait until he is sworn in on Dec 2nd. My guess is he won't do much until after the holidays - then watch out.

    He has to be able to TRUST the people around him. At this point in time, I don't see many he can trust. He can't get rid of everyone at once, it will have to be done gradually with a priority order.

    What he is saying is true. He is smart enough to know that cleaning house would be disastrous to do right away. Give the guy some credit. I would bet he has a plan and already knows some key players who will be out of a job in after the first of the year.

  2. If he cleans house that is his prerogative and something that is expected. Unlike Jim Ireton who told his voters he was going to do the same thing and then he didn't have the balls to do so.

  3. 7:33. Are you saying that Pollitt didn't invite Culver to go to the bond meeting? Who went and why? Is this another boondoggle the taxpayers are footing the bill for? What benefit was it to the county for the VOTED OUT executive to go? If Strasberg supported this idea, he can't be trusted to do what is right. HOW STUPID not to include the executive elect. This is so typical of that bunch. No statesmanship at all. Dec 2 can't get here fast enough. Bob needs to take a hard look at Strasberg. Others can do that job, would be loyal to him, look out for the county and not play games.

  4. Bob has a mandate from the people for change. That includes policies and people. He needs to take care of business and get rid of the obvious problems right away. He needs his own team and not the power hungry freeloaders that Rick surrounded himself with. Rick let Wayne and Matt C. run the county while he spent time in Annapolis hoping to get a political appointment. Get it done Bob, the voters have spoken.

  5. 7:41 everybody is afraid of being Barrie Tilghman by firing people on the first day. The difference for Culver is he has a mandate and the people want that hell hole cleaned up.

  6. The timing of Culver taking office is terrible. It is a hard thing to fire people right before Christmas. I agree that several need to go. Maybe he does it on January 2.

  7. He needs to get rid of quite a few people; he needs to implement an expense reimbursement system that eliminates the credit card abuse; and he needs to change the County's focus to serving the residents instead of the government.

  8. Culver was NOT invited to go to New York. Matt Holloway was.

  9. One of the biggest problems in government management is continuing to 'do what we've always done'.
    In other words, keep building on the existing pile.

    Step one needs to be a clear definition of the purpose and goal of the government entity -- not a 6-page essay.. a brief, concise, to-the-point statement of what we're here to do.

    The comes an evaluation of EVERYTHING that is being done, and how it aligns with and accomplishes the goal.

    Some things will need to be revised, some eliminated. It will take guts, determination and a clear focus on THE GOAL.

    Let's get to work.

  10. Culver will do the job he was elected to do, I honestly believe that and have faith that it will happen. If you lose your job, then you weren't doing it right to start with.

  11. I would like to remind The Daily Times - that it is a standard operating procedure to replace cabinet level positions, particularly, when there is a change in party.

    So what if Bob Culver does decide to clean house. After all wasn't that the mandate of this past election. If the citizens who elected Bob Culver wanted to maintain the status quo - then they would have re-elected Rick Pollitt.

    I say to The Daily Times - to leave him alone. He knows what has to be done - let him institute his own game plan.

  12. Responding to The Daily Times Article

    I read the article to. Dah....I guess that The Daily Times would prefer to have Mr. Culver keep everyone that is presently employed, especially the ones appointed by Rick Pollitt. And while we are discussing the subject . . . I guess The Daily Times would also prefer to have Mr. Culver turn his head to SU's President Janet Dudley-Eshbach's endorsement of Delegate Norman Conway to. Or how about Ed Urban's endorsement of ole Norm, and Rick Pollitt.

    Let's face it - Bob Culver has been given a clear mandate, let us hope that he uses it.

  13. IMHO - Mr. Culver ought to be fielding replacements for both Gary Mackes and Ed Urban. Both have previously served together on the tourism board - and both were active in trying to retain Pollitt at the executive helm.

  14. The Daily Times is know for its publication of rumors. It has printed rumors on its front page and news.

    Everyone should fire the Daily Times, including Gannett.

  15. JoeAlbero said...
    Culver was NOT invited to go to New York. Matt Holloway was.

    November 12, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    Did Matt Cramer go to the Bond Market?

    What County Council Members went to the Bond Market?

    Who else from the County went to the Bond Market?

  16. The Daily Times - humm.... they are part of the problem. If they had been doing their job none of the regime change would have come as a surprise.

  17. If Bob fires Beauchamp, sonny boy will get Pretl to sue for sure.

  18. What exactly would Beauchamp sue for? He's an at will employee and whiter than snow. He has no ground whatsoever and pretty much knows he is gone.


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