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Monday, November 17, 2014

Gruber Has Made At Least $5.9 Million For Government Work

The federal government has paid Jonathan Gruber at least $4 million since the year 2000, for his work as an expert witness, a legal consultant and for his consultation on Obamacare.

That comes on top of at least $1.6 million the MIT economist has been paid by several states to consult on their health care bills.

Gruber, the so-called architect of Obamacare, came under fire this week after a number of videos emerged ofhim speaking candidly about how Obamacare was passed.

Gruber was paid $392,600 by the Department of Health and Human Services for his work on Obamacare. His main contribution was in the realm of economic modeling to help score the bill for budgetary purposes.



  1. In other words, he was the expert on lying and hiding the truth....

  2. just goes to show you how STUPID the American voter is


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