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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Governor-elect Hogan traveling to Florida for Republican Governors Association Conference

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Maryland Governor-elect Larry Hogan is traveling to Boca Raton, Florida today for the annual Republican Governors Association Conference.

"The National Governors Association Seminar for New Governors this past weekend in Colorado was incredibly informative, and I'm excited to learn even more this week during the RGA Conference," Governor-elect Hogan said. "Turning Maryland around is an enormous task, and I look forward to hearing from governors from across the country and learning from their experiences."

The Governor-elect will speak at several events during the four-day conference, including an Executive Roundtable Luncheon and Press Conference on Wednesday, as well as the Corporate Statesmen and Cabinet Breakfast and the Corporate Plenary on Thursday.

In addition, Governor-elect Hogan will attend several other roundtables and seminars. Topics include best practices and advice regarding transition, improving business climate, healthcare, energy, emergency responsiveness, and more.

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