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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Flu-Shot Coverup? CDC Accused of Ignoring Data Showing Vaccine Doesn't Work

News reporter Sharyl Attkisson is making headlines with her memoir Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington. She details in her book how officials at CBS quashed her reports on topics that were perceived as anti-Obama, such as her reporting on the terrorist attack on our embassy at Benghazi, the "Fast and Furious" debacle, the green energy company Solyndra that went bankrupt after accepting hundreds of millions of dollars in government money, and the Obamacare disaster.

On Twitter, however, she accused the government of ignoring numerous scientific studies that showed the flu vaccine was ineffective in the elderly.

"One of the most instructive things at the time, for me, was when gov’t researchers told me that even though all the studies showed flu shots didn’t work in the elderly, they figured the STUDIES were wrong because they 'knew' flu shots worked!" she tweeted.

"Kind of reminds me of today’s CDC that looks at all the scientific links between vaccines and autism but 'knows' it can’t be so, so it changes the study data or finds other explanations for why the data says what it says," she wrote.

1 comment:

  1. I've never gotten a flu shot nor will I ever get one. I've had the flu 1 time in the past decade.


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