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Friday, November 28, 2014

Fire In Salisbury Kills 1 Man and 1 Dog On Cottontail Drive


  1. Don't get this wrong, but today is the last day and they still have the 12 extra paid firemen with that free grant money and they didn't save this life!

    This proves that the extra paid firemen do not save lives and they have a fire station just a few short blocks away.

  2. What a jack a** statement!!! A man lost his life and you use it to take a shot at twelve guys about to lose their jobs?

    There are many variables that go into whether or not a life can be saved. Such as point of origin in relation to victim, what substance was initially ignited or what substances were near the point of origin, how long was the fire burning before it was discovered, I could go on all night. Fire doubles its size every 90 seconds, and the gases produced in the first 90 seconds produce enough toxic gases to render the victim unconscious almost immediately, and kill within minutes. Please educate yourself before making statements like this. Or better yet just keep your mouth shut period, troll...

  3. What a shame. At one point, I'm sure that was a really nicely maintained house. I wonder if the old man just couldn't keep it up any more.


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