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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Family Friends Shed Light On Md. Governor-Elect Larry Hogan

EDGEWATER, Md. (WJZ) — The general election upset in the governor’s race leaves many Marylanders wanting to know more about the man who will lead the state in the next four years.

Political reporter Pat Warren found some folks in Larry Hogan’s hometown Edgewater willing to share what they know.

Election morning, Larry Hogan shakes hands at Chick and Ruth’s Delly, where regulars are state leaders.

Little did Mike Busch know then he’d be calling Hogan governor, and for Democrats, not happily. This is the place where Hogan goes, and they’re always glad he came.



  1. Another not well known fact about Larry Hogan is that he is a dog lover. I find people who genuinely love dogs and don't just get one because it looks good in photo opts, are the best people in the world.

  2. Lot of truth to that, 2:17.

  3. God has blessed Maryland!

    Thank you, God!


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