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Sunday, November 02, 2014


This election cycle we have heard of numerous instances where Republican candidates and staff enter the polls only to find their votes switched to the Democrat opponent. Now there's proof of a massive conspiracy so large that the founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.
From Watchdog.org: 

Cook County Board of Elections Deputy Communications Director Jim Scalzitti, told the Illinois Watchdog that, “It was acalibration error of the touch-screen on the machine.”
Now, Watchdog.org is reporting similar evidence of electronic voter fraud in the State of Maryland, where Diebold voting machines are switching Republican votes to Democrat votes:
“When I first selected my candidate on the electronic machine, it would not put the ‘x’ on the candidate I chose — a Republican — but it would put the ‘x’ on the Democrat candidate above it,” Donna Hamilton said.
“This happened multiple times with multiple selections. Every time my choice flipped from Republican to Democrat. Sometimes it required four or five tries to get the ‘x’ to stay on my real selection,” the Frederick, Md., resident said last week.
Queen Anne County Sheriff Gary Hofmann said he encountered the problem, too, personally.

“This is happening here as well. It occurred on two candidates on my machine. I am glad I checked. Many voters have reported this here as well,” Hofmann, a Republican, wrote in an email Sunday evening.

PUBLISHERS NOTES: Salisbury News has confirmed, EACH machine that has THREE complaints MUST be immediately PULLED. It does NOT have to repeat the problem. Now we have to wonder, especially after yesterday's post about someone complaining and they continued to allow people to vote on the machine. Then the Chief Judge tested a machine and it changed their vote from Republican to Democrat.

The big questions are, did enough people complain and if so, were the machines PULLED? Three strikes on one machine and you are out.  


  1. This election should be voided and a restart.

    1. EXACTLY 12:01! And the guilty party PROSECUTED.

  2. Democrats cheating and lying to win another election. That is how they stole the Presidency for Obama. That and letting illegals and dead people vote.

  3. ALL early voters that want to void original vote and do it over should be allowed to do so. Why can't this be done???

  4. They cheated you out of the mayors election too Joe. Ireton should be impeached.

  5. Voting machines are rigged. It is happening right here in Wicomico County just like it did in Salisbury. I predict a Democrat landslide.

    The Democrats are running very scared for Norm Conway's seat. They are running scared for Rick Pollit's seat. The County Council majority currently is 6 Republicans and 1 Democrat. Now is their chance to turn the tides. They put up Laura Mitchell, Josh Hastings and Ron Pagano for the election. They knew District 1 was going to be a guaranteed Democrat and District 4 was a RINO. This is their chance to win the election by cheating just like they did with Obama.

    Only a few machines are rigged putting the odds in the Democrats favor. If we get enough Republicans get out and vote we can defeat this problem. It is up you the good voters to make sure your family and friends vote in this election and vote Republican. Check and double check the machines.

  6. Anonymous said...
    They cheated you out of the mayors election too Joe. Ireton should be impeached.

    October 30, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    He should be impeached and thrown in jail along with Chuck Cook.

  7. I plan on taking my smart phone with me and record what happens when I cast my vote. Post that along with the polling place at Youtube should be all that's needed.

  8. If you don't review your votes, shame on you. Once you're on that screen, and it shows that it switched your votes, and you don't have an official come over immediately, than YOU are the problem as well as the machine. It's not rocket science.

  9. 12:22, With all due respect, there are many elderly people who get confused and even frustrated. Keep in mind, they are the MAJORITY of TRUE Americans who actually give a damn as they get out and VOTE. YOU Liberals know this to be a fact and are trying to take advantage of it.

    Now, that being said, IF it wasn't for the BLOGS, the MSM would and have simply covered this up.

    PROOF, look at the WBOC 6:00 news last night. These machine issues should have been at the very top of their broadcast. OH WAIT, it never even made it on the 6:00 news because they wanted to cover the rocket launch blast instead. This only proves they are completely OUT OF TOUCH and only have interest in selling commercials to pay for that helicopter.

    ALL votes need to be pulled and voided.

    12:13, I couldn't agree more.

  10. I went today, and tried to give my ID to prove who I am,,, and the person didn't even look at it... Such fraud, and knowingly so.

    These computer ballots are so easily rigged

    1. In defense of the election judge that took your information for voting. They are not allowed to use your ID as ID, they are instructed to ask your name, address and month/day of birth. They have to hear it from you before they can give you the card for the machine. It's not the way they want to do it, it's the way the state has instructed them to do it. When I asked her why she told me she had no idea and she didn't make the rules. Don't hold it against them, they are just following directions from superiors at the STATE board of elections.

  11. 12:21, I will be doing the same thing! Video proof is indisputable.

  12. 12:21
    I was there yesterday. There is a large sign as you walk in that says phones need to be turned off. Just letting you know. I wonder what they will say if they find you recording your voting experience.

  13. Anonymous said...
    If you don't review your votes, shame on you. Once you're on that screen, and it shows that it switched your votes, and you don't have an official come over immediately, than YOU are the problem as well as the machine. It's not rocket science.

    October 30, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    I bet you voted for Obama!

    You are a liberal moron and you admit it's ok to trick people into voting for Democrats and then saying the hell with it. You are a traitor and you need a bullet between your eyebrows. That is not rocket science either.

    1. Easy there cowboy. You are an angry individual. I vote republican but people like you give us all a bad name

  14. How come there are no Democate Complaints. Must be rigged. All teh machines will not have the same calibrating issue some will select the choice above or below the intented selection.

  15. Nobody will get charged for rigged voting machines.Only if John Q. Public does something illegal.

  16. How do you overcome this? I am truly concerned about the outcome of this election. Even if someone goes to court, Brown will be the "interim" governor until it is resolved. As slow as the courts can be he will have a whole term.

  17. 12:22 - While it is everyone's individual responsibility to verify their votes were recorded correctly, the machine should not be erroneous in the first place.

    Rigging something to fail and then blaming the person it failed on is not civil conduct...but very Democrat!

  18. Joe and 1:34 I did not vote for Obama, nor O'Malley, nor Ireton, nor Pollitt, etc... I am as conservative as you will find, minus the bible thumping, anti-gay, anti-minority parts. All I am saying is it is your responsibility to make sure the screen is correct before just hitting submit and saying "F it". I will concede the "seniors" part, but I'm hearing, and reading, the most complaints from able voters who simply ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION.

  19. I remember the Democrats going on about the same thing back when it was Bush vs Kerry.

  20. Good memory 3:09, as a matter of fact there was a lot of fuss because Diebold was a big Bush contributor.

  21. 3:09 Oh yeah, they went out en masse to DC to protest an illegal election.

    But the truth is that over the last 20 years or so they have held the majority of the three branches of government. This is indisputable.

    It does not bode well when they have the ability to simply steal elections. And btw, Diebold is a big corporate donor and supporter of Democrats. Conflict? You tell me.

  22. 3:44 You are wrong. Diebold is a big Democratic donor.

  23. Nothing new, democrats are all liars and cheats, regular robin hoods,steal from the rich and give it to the poor.

  24. Only way they can win.

  25. I voted before this problem became common knowledge. I checked, but wish I had been even more careful. I would definitely like to have that ballot voided and fill out a paper one as absentee. That way there is a record. A very sacred right is being taken from us...the expectation that our vote will be counted and done so without fraud.

  26. Voter fraud is also in Dorchester County, using early voting for the first time since I will be out of the state on election day, all my votes were thrown over to the Democrat side, went back and changed them and this happened again, told attending clerk about this and got a "rude response". So disgusting...since voting is one of my freedoms, the fraud in our election process is really disappointing. We are now no different than other countries with fixed elections. We have ceased being a country that people look up too, when will this down-hill slide end and how do we unite to clean up this horrible mess??

  27. Anonymous said...
    Easy there cowboy. You are an angry individual. I vote republican but people like you give us all a bad name

    October 30, 2014 at 1:43 PM

    No your snarky attitude gives us a bad name Bozo!

  28. Where's the prosecution ?


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