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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Eric Holder’s Perfect Successor

It would be difficult to imagine any Attorney General nominee who could guarantee a more seamless transition from the Eric Holder years than Loretta Lynch, who has been the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York since 2010. Her uncanny ability to detect phantoms of white racism lurking ominously around every corner is proof-positive of her fitness to serve as Holder’s successor in the Obama administration.

Lynch believes that voter ID laws are part of a racist effort to suppress minority turnout at the polls. “Fifty years after the civil rights movement,” sheavers, “we stand in this country at a time when we see people trying to take back so much of what Dr. [Martin Luther] King fought for … and [to] reverse the [gains] that have been made in voting in this country.” Consequently, Lynch is eminently “proud” that the Justice Department has filed suit against states which have enacted voter ID laws “seek[ing] to limit our ability to stand up and exercise our rights as citizens.” Lynch also supports efforts to restore the voting rights of (disproportionately black) convicted felons who “have served their debt to society”—a measure that would “en[d] the chain of permanent disenfranchisement that visits many of them.”



  1. Voter ID laws apply to ALL PEOPLE, not just black people. She is another idiot, in a long lines of Obama nominated idiots

  2. Two more years... Two more years...

  3. 10:05 Thank you for that statement. Voter ID laws protect us all from illegal voters. She is playing the race card and quite frankly, people like me are getting sick and tired of it. Obama and Holder are turning people racist with their superior attitudes.

  4. What she is saying to her own black community is that her own race of people lack the intelligence to acquire and identification card. This is a racist statement by one of the same race. Was it difficult for a black American to acquire a license to drive? This is a rhetorical statement that lacks any evidence in regard to voter suppression. For the record - Martin Luther King was a Republican.

  5. Why is it that these people do not want to hold black accountable. They are hurting blacks more than anyone. They always have to be stirring crap saying that black folks need separate rules.


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