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Friday, November 07, 2014

Election Results: “What’s Going To Change Is Only Who Is Going To Screw You — Not Whether You’ll Get Screwed”

Widespread victories for the Republican Party in the 2014 mid-term elections have given many Americans hope that the country might finally have a chance for getting back on track.

But are the Republicans going to be any better than the Democrats? As Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker highlights in the commentary below, with conrol of the House of Representatives they have had a chance to shutdown Obamacare for nearly two years, yet it seems that despite all the rhetoric from the right no one has been willing to actually get anything done.

So what should we expect for the next two years under a lame-duck Obama Presidency? Will a majority Republican Congress act to begin the process of repealing Obamacare? Will they de-militarize domestic law enforcement agencies? Will they shut down NSA spying programs? Will they cut spending, lower taxes and remove legislation that restricts small business growth and job creation? Will they open their doors and make good on their promises of transparency in government?

One can hope. But let’s be honest, we all know the answers to these questions:



  1. Hey Joe and readers. This is a comment that Rick Pollit made on his FB page.

    Rick Pollitt - I admit a great relief being freed from the nonsense and the BS.

    Sounds like a sore loser to me. What is the nonsense and the Bull Sh!t he is referring to? If he doesn't like his job maybe he should resign now.

  2. i for one agree with the sarcasm of this article, but giving up is the easy way out. maybe this fresh batch will start walking back the progressives, we need to keep cleaning house and hopefully we can re educate the milleneals so they understand the real history of this country and the evils of communism. in the meantime we continue to listen to the BS

  3. two different roads leading to the same destination. voting is worthless. if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it.

    1. America's new Hope for future change? #1. Same old Liars in media spinning their collective negative fantasies and half truths intended to create their constant Gloom & Impending Doom News stories across America 24/7. #2. Same old entrenched, corrupted decades ago, self serving, politicians from yesteryear, now teaching the newest up & coming criminals of politics how to do the take and take again business of everyday politics. Banksters, corporations driven by their greedy boards of directors, lobbies puppeteering their bought and paid for hand puppet politicians ALL pushing for the same final result/outcome across the globe, the long term haves and have nots, serfs and their masters, control, dominion over others. The war machines across the globe guarantee the end product and will continue indefinitely towards their collective goal. If you're Not a power monger, have millions or billions, are Not a corporate entity, then you know where you fit in with their plan. Servitude and submission.

  4. What this country need to do is hold these people accountable in an easier fashion. Joe Normal Citizen should be able to start a recall...or impeachment proceedings. There should be a map/set of directions for impeachment 101. Impeachment for Dummies Book #1. Let us take the mystery out of this country and get back to getting things done.

  5. "voting is worthless. if voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."

    Bullcrap. Elections DO have consequences. Hell, just the look on Odumbo's face was worth every Republican vote in this week's election. And if these people can stop or moderate Obama's executive amnesty plans, than those votes had a HUGE impact.

  6. I, for one am ecstatic with the election results,and sorry for the losses of Mike and M.J., but am now a little more faithful that things will start turning around business wise.

    Wasting time with impeachment would take up too much time, as the R majority can do more work on the hundreds of bills on the EX-Harry's desk getting them through.

    We all know we have no President, and we need to govern accordingly.


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