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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Early Voting Totals Look Good For Local Republicans!

With most (6 of 8) days done, the voters in each party are about even in Wicomico County, and in Worcester significantly more Republicans than Democrats have voted. Given the location of the only polling place in Wicomico – at the Civic Center in Salisbury – the share of Democrat early voters could be greater than will occur on November 4.

Mathias and Conway could be toast, Pollitt, too, as well as Democrats running for the Wicomico County Council. Lets hope!


  1. Maybe all of the kinks will be worked out by the time I vote

  2. We can only hope so. I fear Chuck Cook and his dirty politics to get Democrats elected.

  3. Didn't we hear that, last time?

  4. It would look even better if the dems didn't TAMPER WITH THE MACHINES.

  5. The totals look good for Republicans in Wicomico because there are more registered Democrats. If the raw numbers are about even, it means a higher percentage of Republicans are turning out. That's what we need for victory.

  6. With possible vote fraud underway, we need an overwhelming turnout.. a TSUNAMI that even the fraud cannot beat.

    EVERY conservative voter needs to show up and vote.

  7. All republicans should file a voter fraud complaint with the Maryland ACLU.

    The Civil Rights Complaint Line is in operation on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. The phone number for the line is (443) 524-2558.

  8. If people are concerned with voter fraud, which is sounds like they have every right, they should ask to vote provisional. All it is a matter of filling out one paper and then voting a paper ballot. It is not hard at all and you know your vote will be recorded as you voted.

  9. and what is now happening with the voter fraud issue. they said in 2012 it looked good for Republicans as well and we now know voter fraud was rampant.

  10. 9:50, the system is corrupt, period. Washington is the new Hollywood, full of actors and liars living phony lives and screwing not only every intern but every taxpayer to boot.

    Out of nowhere we elect drug addicts, drunks, gays, yet the next morning everyone is scratching their head thinking, how did that happen, I didn't vote for them and none of my friends did either.

    Kind of reminds you of the Mayoral election, eh? Ireton won but no one voted for him, or at least 2/3 of the people anyway. Same goes for Day. No one even knew who he was and Campbell had not only dedication, she had name recognition.

    Many have asked, why didn't you challenge it. BECAUSE I COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT BEING MAYOR. Think about it for just a minute. A Republican Mayor with a Democrat Council. Yeah, how was that going to work for all of you!

    I simply felt that if the Mayor and Council were pressured by my platform, they'd be forced to do the things I proposed because anything less would prove NOTHING was being done. It worked and Salisbury is a better place for it.

    IF these elections go to people like Mitchell, Hastings, Pollitt and Brown, the election was rigged.

    You talk to ANYONE who isn't fully involved in the local democrat machine and EVERYONE will agree, we need NEW leadership. So get out and vote Republican.

  11. I talked to an election official last night. He told me that because of the problems, they are planning to go back to paper ballots next year.

  12. Should have been paper ballots all along and another thing, you should have to prove who you are, that you are really the person you say you are. Too many dead people vote.

  13. 10:23, I couldn't agree more. Funny though, either an ALIVE human being has to vote on behalf of the DEAD person OR the dead person's name mysteriously shows up into the system, period.

  14. 10:23
    Okay, you can count paper ballots! Don't forget about human error!
    Seriously though, this voting thing should not be this difficult.

  15. Chuck Cook and the Democrats will make sure Pollitt, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are "elected."

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Chuck Cook and the Democrats will make sure Pollitt, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are "elected."

    October 29, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    That is what scares most of us.


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