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Saturday, November 01, 2014

Early Voting Shows Increased Turnout

WORCESTER COUNTY– Following an abysmal primary turnout, early signs point toward an increase in participation during the general election.

When early voting opened at 10 a.m. at the Gull Creek Senior Center in Berlin on Thursday, Oct. 23, at least a dozen people lined up at the door, standing in the nearly freezing rain and waiting patiently to cast their ballots. Poll workers with the Worcester County Board of Elections said nearly 700 people voted during the vote’s first day, good for more than half the total accumulated during the entire week of primary early voting.

Board of Elections Supervisor Patti Jackson was optimistic about the early numbers.

“It’s encouraging,” she said. “We definitely expect a bigger turnout after the primary when there were a lot of unopposed races. There are still a few unopposed, but not many, and of course this is what people consider the big election – a lot of people don’t consider the primary a true election.”



  1. Let's hope the increase consists of conservative voters!

  2. Why not give us the stats for four years ago. Why compare it to a primary? Tell us how it compares to the last mid term election.
    Lets compare apples with apples, who writes this stuff?


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