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Friday, November 21, 2014

Do Any WOMEN Have Free Parking That Work For The City of Salisbury?


  1. Is that Jimbeaus Butt Butty Chris Demone? Who approved that PIO position for the City of Salisbury? You people that live in the city limits are asleep at the wheel for allowing this to happen. How many people does the city need in the Mayors office? I bet the PIO isn't doing anything right now except reading Sbynews.com. I rode by that same parking spot this morning and that whole row was taken up with special city parking spaces for employees. That is just wrong.

  2. The parking space to the right is for the assistant city administrator. He lives a block away in the apartments above Mojo's and now uses that parking spot. As a matter of fact look at the out of state tags on his car. He is in violation of state law because he is required to change his registration to Maryland after living here for 30 days. This city is full of people who think they are above the law.

    I challenge any law enforcement officer to enforce this law. I bet they don't have the nads to write him a citation.

  3. You should see the new car that was given to the mayor's Arm Candy Tom Stevenson. John Pick was the City Administrator all those years and he never got a city vehicle.

  4. Let them enjoy it while they have it...I hope Culver turns this all around!!

  5. Yes, plenty of free parking across Route 50.

  6. So what the guy has out of state tags, he's not the first and wont be the last. The SBY PD should focus on fighting crime, not writing tickets for compliant out of state tags. Also, isn't the Community Development Director a woman? More importantly, Bob Culver is the County Executive, not the Mayor of Salisbury. Lastly, the only employees that should have a city vehicle are people that work in the field. Guess whose footing that bill; Salisbury tax payers! Who cares about parking spaces!


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