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Sunday, November 02, 2014

County Executive Rick Pollitt's Smoking Gun. Monday Morning!

Online Countdown Clock


  1. annnnd herrreee we go. Love the smoking guns.

  2. Why wait until then when folks will be voting today and tomorrow?

  3. You on a roll !
    Hope it's as good as the last gun!

  4. James Cagney said it best " You dirty Rat".

  5. What is so sad , we have so much crooked information on Obama and he is still considered our leader.
    Hope this works , if not , we are in a heap of crap.

  6. Joe,

    I hope this one is as good as the last one!

    I voted yesterday - quite a disappointment...because of where I live, I didn't get to vote against Conway or Mathias...but I didn't vote for a single Democrat!

  7. OMG, you mean there is more? He has already done enough for NO ONE to vote for him, so this should really be interesting.

  8. Joe : When this Blows up in u'r face . I have a bunker you can hide in for several months while this all blows over if u want and the rent is cheap. Seems like you are pissing a lot of folks off and lets face it these same people you are pissing off will be back in Office and then the pay backs on you will begin. I am not judging what you are doing or not doing I am just saying don't crap where you live and then wonder why things begin to happen that you don't understand and sometimes if you are not happy with what you see. Maybe it is time to MOVE. and start fresh.

  9. Joe I have put a couple comments on fat boys site and he is only publishing what he agrees with. One of them was wouldn't it be more fair if you also post the thousands of dollars that Rick Pollitt and the other couty employee have spend on food etc that accounts for alot more than a little gas expense from Culver. I now realize most of the comments on his article about Culver were from JT himself (look at the times). Very petty IMO that you democrats worry about gas/travel expenses when Pollitt is eating on our taxes AND taking others to eat too. Vote Republican and get these tax and spend leaches out of office!

  10. Hey 10:19 It takes guts to do what Joe does here. I seriously doubt he'd take your advice and chicken out. You move, and save your bunker space for the losers on 11/4 who have made an utter disaster out of Salisbury and Wicomico.

  11. Truth, what a concept. Why are pols afraid of the truth? Citizens, why are you afraid of the truth? Sunlight is a great disinfectant. Never be afraid of truth. Yes, it hurts sometimes, but we must always have truth. Without it we will be deceived, fail and ultimately perish. If what you have has been confirmed and you know without a shadow of a doubt this is "true"; bring it on. We must know about the "public" servants that are paid with my (your) tax dollars.

  12. To you Democrats, THE TRUTH HURTS, doesn't it.

  13. Bet he's sweatin his ass off now , runnin scared!

  14. Thank you 1145AM. Just another scare tactic from 1019AM. Must be a Big liberal/Democrat....maybe even Ricky himself!

  15. There was a fund raiser event for Slick Rick somewhere in downtown Salisbury yesterday. Any details on who was there -it was something like 500 bucks to attend they say.

  16. I've never had much patience with news teasers. I once had to wait nearly 3 hours to find out whether the treats we were giving our cat were the contaminated ones the WBAL news crew said they'd be telling us about at 11. Information is either newsworthy or it isn't. If it is, why treat it like the upcoming episode of "Scandal?"

    1. Oh god. Queensgirl is back. You should put spikes in your shoulder pads right before you get asked a question.

  17. Why wait when people are voting everyday?

  18. lol, 6:35!!! I was thinking the SAME THING (without the spikes, but an omg...she's back:-)

  19. mack @ 10:19 , he didn't "crap where he lives" he doesn't live in Salisbury , where have you been?

  20. I once had faith in the local media but now with the money that appears to have bought and sold us all I try to read and watch what I can to make a decision and elections on all levels are vital in my opinion. Let the so called local paper print what they are paid for The TV and radio will only do the minimum of what they have to and Joe Albero will report what he finds weather it makes people happy or sad. Just read and decide on your own. I do feel I am preaching to the choir on this but I had a bone to pick and I just had to voice my unbought and uncensored opinion

  21. Pollitt waited until AFTER the required filing deadline to hold a fundraiser so no one would know until AFTER the election who donated to his campaign. Sneaky damned democrats always hiding something.

  22. anyone who donates to Pollitts campaign is an idiot. Just those who would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was a democrat would do such a stupid thing.

  23. Wish you would keep this post at the top another smoking gun .
    Second to none!

  24. 8:25AM Oct 25,
    "..but I didn't vote for a single Democrat!"
    I need to ask you, did you check to make sure?
    A story about some candidate voting early in his district, a non-Democrat, has surfaced which says he couldn't vote for anyone but a Democrat at his polling place. Yes, each time he'd vote for a Red candidate including himself the 'electronic voting machine' would register a Democrat vote. So, if you think that vote rigging/tampering isn't happening or going to happen on Nov. 4th, you're kidding yourself.
    A return to some manual type of voting is the only way a fair election can be carried out.

  25. I'm waiting for the Josh Hastings Smoking Gun!!

  26. Anonymous said...
    There was a fund raiser event for Slick Rick somewhere in downtown Salisbury yesterday. Any details on who was there -it was something like 500 bucks to attend they say.

    October 25, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    It was sponsored by Jim Iretons old buddy attorney Will Smith who is a Republican. I heard there were several Deadbeat Republicans in attendance.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Pollitt waited until AFTER the required filing deadline to hold a fundraiser so no one would know until AFTER the election who donated to his campaign. Sneaky damned democrats always hiding something.

    October 25, 2014 at 11:55 PM

    You are correct and slick rick and the RINO's new what they were doing. You won't read about the Donor's until after the election.

  28. The good news is that the donors are giving a "transfusion" to the politically "dying". The funeral for this gentleman will occur on November 4th.

  29. To 2:51 Poster - I agree.

    If you'll look into the past contributions list you will see that Pollitt has been picking and choosing his choice of County landlords, grant recipients, building services A&E and so on. It's corruption at the highest levels.

  30. This is by far the most negative oriented campaign local election that I have seen in my entire lifetime. It used to be a gentlemen's political game whereby each could agree and disagree. Now - it is hand-to-hand combat. I have never seen anything like this election before.

  31. Can someone please tell me why it is when I see campaign signs around the three counties knocked down to the ground it's always those of the Republican candidates?

  32. 8:30, this is happening all over the nation. do you have any clue why? well, let me enlighten you. it's no secret what our pols have done to this nation and will continue to line their pockets and eviscerate the middle class as long as they can get away with it.

    the dems and liberals have done the most damage, but the rino's have done their share. most of us are SICK of this tax, spend, regulation, deception, do nothing to make things better for ALL attitude of the pols listed above. yes; the campaign has gotten nasty hasn't it...lies, distortions, hide the truth at any cost, hypocrites at best, say one thing and do another. I could name them here and now, but I believe if you follow politics and what transpires at the local, state and federal level, you know who does what (unless you're clueless and believe what they say and not what they do).

    I pray NO democrat is elected or re-elected and the rino's will either retire or change. middle of the road is NO LONGER acceptable; besides it's "road kill", nothing more.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Pollitt waited until AFTER the required filing deadline to hold a fundraiser so no one would know until AFTER the election who donated to his campaign. Sneaky damned democrats always hiding something.

    October 25, 2014 at 11:55 PM

    And I've got some pictures of who was there.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Pollitt waited until AFTER the required filing deadline to hold a fundraiser so no one would know until AFTER the election who donated to his campaign. Sneaky damned democrats always hiding something.

    October 25, 2014 at 11:55 PM

    You are correct and slick rick and the RINO's new what they were doing. You won't read about the Donor's until after the election.

    October 26, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    RINO Will Hall, Matt Holloway, Stevie Prettyman, John Hall were among the several that were on the contributors list. And so was "Republican" Josh Hastings.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Can someone please tell me why it is when I see campaign signs around the three counties knocked down to the ground it's always those of the Republican candidates?

    October 26, 2014 at 8:56 PM

    Because the Democrats and their camps are nasty. Jim Mathias, Norm Conway, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are stealing and damaging the most signs in Wicomico County.


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