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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Competitive Eater Gobbles Down 9.35 Pounds Of Turkey In 10 Minutes

So you’re planning on eating a whole lot of turkey on Thanksgiving, huh? Good luck trying to get anywhere near the amount of turkey the winner of a holiday-themed eating contest just shoved down his gullet in the amount of time it takes me to decide how large of a scoop of mashed potatoes I can serve myself without having everyone behind me in line hate me.

Competitive eater Joey Chestnut shoveled an entire turkey (barring the bones and other inedible bits, naturally) in under 10 minutes, reports CBS Philly, showing that the holiday birds aren’t the only ones going “gobble, gobble gobble.”

“I stuck with my plan going for the bottom meat first then got the breasts and then just drank and drank and swallowed,” he said after the Connecticut event, reports the New York Daily News. “It’s before Thanksgiving when everybody is a competitive eater. Turkey is awesome. I’m just happy to be here and was able to win today.”


1 comment:

  1. If this guy is married his wife just dumps buckets of food in a trough & rings a bell for him to come and get it.


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