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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

CIA Insider Warns: "25-Year Great Depression is About to Strike America"

You will want to remember this date May 3, 2015.

According to one of the top minds in the U.S. Intelligence Community, that is when the United States will enter the darkest economic period in our nation's history.

A 25-year Great Depression.

And alarmingly, he and his colleagues believe the evidence they've uncovered proves this outcome is impossible to avoid.

In an exclusive interview with Money Morning, Jim Rickards, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, has stepped forward to warn the American people that time is running out to prepare for this $100 trillion meltdown.

"Everybody knows we have a dangerous level of debt. Everybody knows the Fed has recklessly printed trillions of dollars. These are secrets to no one," he said.

"But all signs are now flashing bright red that our chickens are about to come home to roost."

During the discussion, Rickards shared a series of dangerous signals he fears reveals an economy that has reached a super critical state.

One of the signals the CIA is most concerned with is the Misery Index.



  1. We are already eight years into it.

  2. We only got seventeen more years to go.

  3. Evidently the CIA doesn't know their butt from a whole in the ground judging by their recent "intelligence" results. Why should anybody believe them this time?


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