Location: Market Street
Bundle up and stake out a spot on Market Street to view theAnnual Snow Hill Lion's Club Christmas Parade. The parade begins at 7:00 pm on Colbourne Lane and proceeds down Church Street to Market Street where the Judges Stand is set up in front of the Worcester County Court House. To participate in the parade, contact Barry Laws. Everyone is welcome, trophies will be awarded
Rain Date: Wednesday, December 10
Location: Byrd Park
The Snow Hill Christmas Tree will be lit on Monday, December 1st in Byrd Park on Market Street. The Town will come alive with holiday lights at 5:30. Come celebrate the official begnning of the Christmas season and hang your red ribbon bow on the bigger and better Town Tree. See the new annimated lights around the circle in the park.
There will be seasonal music along with readings and an appearance by Santa Claus.
For more information call 410-632-2080
Location: Pocomoke River Canoe Company
Come to the second floor of the Pocomoke River Canoe Company, home to the Corddry Company Crossing Train Garden that is reminiscent of Snow Hill many years ago. Children and their families will love this recently renovated enchanted wonderland reduced to "O" gauge.
While admission is free, donations are welcome
Open both Saturday and Sunday afternoons in December from 1:00 - 4:00 pm..
Location: 208 W Market Street
Step back in time for an old fashioned holiday gathering with refreshments, decorations special exhibits and more.
Check back here for details as they develop.
Location: Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum
The Holiday Season will be ushered in at Furnace Town Living Heritage Museum on Saturday, December 6th 2013. Between Noon and 5:00 p.m. artisans will welcome you to their workplace as they weave, make broom products, and pound iron at the forge.
Don’t miss a walk along The Paul Leifer Nature Trail over the Nassawango Cypress Swamp for views of cedar, cypress, and pine above – and sweet gum balls, partridge berry, and wintergreen at your feet. Warm up in the Gathering Room with mulled cider and cookies, and browse the Museum Store’s broad selection of created treasures made by Furnace Town’s own weaver, blacksmith, broom-maker, printer, woodworker, and gardener. The Museum also features books on local topics, toys of yesteryear, and many other local items. There will be crafts for kids, and local crafts and arts, including homemade breads and cookies, jewelry, wooden crafts and antiques will be available for purchase.
Join us on Saturday at 7:00 pm for the 19th Century Christmas Service, a joint project of Furnace Town and the Snow Hill Ministerial Association in the historic Old Nazareth Church since 1987. Heat is from the wood stove, light from oil lamps, and music is acapela. An offering is taken for the relief of suffering in the community.
Furnace Town’s daily admission is $6.00 adults / $5.00 over 60 & AAA / $3.00 children ages 2-18 and children under 2 are Free. The Evening Church Service is Free! Contact Furnace Town at 410-632-2032 for more information.
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