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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Burned remains are likely 43 missing Mexican students

MEXICO CITY -- Suspects in the disappearance of 43 college students have confessed to loading the youths onto dump trucks, murdering them at a landfill, then burning the bodies and dumping the ashen remains into a river, Mexican authorities said Friday.

In a somber, lengthy explanation of the investigation, Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam played video showing hundreds of charred fragments of bone and teeth fished from the river and its banks. He said it will be very difficult to extract DNA to confirm that they are the students missing since Sept. 26 after an attack by police in the southern state of Guerrero.

"I know the enormous pain the information we've obtained causes the family members, a pain we all share," Murillo Karam said at a news conference. "The statements and information that we have gotten unfortunately point to the murder of a large number of people in the municipality of Cocula."



  1. Hope they hang all the government officals in that ring! They are having riots over this and rightly so...

  2. This is how police act in a third worrld country; the direction Obama's immigration policies are binging us into.

    Do you really want that?

  3. I am incredibly sad for the families of these students. May their young souls rest in peace, especially after justice is doled out to their murderers. Just so sad.

  4. Maybe the UN should focus more on issues like this rather than Michael Brown's Mother.

  5. 7:44, well said. My prayers go out to the families of the students. What a tragic loss.

  6. We need to stop vacationing in Mexico. Our tourist dollars help support these cartels.


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