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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Brown's mother: "How could your conscience be clear?"

Michael Brown's parents are expressing their frustration after Officer Darren Wilson spoke out about having a "clear conscience" following a grand jury decision not to charge Wilson for the Aug. 9 shooting of their son.

"His conscience is clear? How could your conscious be clear after killing somebody even if it was an accidental death?" mother Lesley McSpadden said Wednesday in an emotional interview on "CBS This Morning."

Wilson spoke to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday, saying, "I know I did my job right." In the interview, Wilson said he feared for his life as he tried to defend himself against the 18-year-old, who was allegedly throwing punches at him while Wilson was inside his police vehicle. The altercation then shifted outside the vehicle, where Wilson said Brown charged at him after initially running away. That's when the fatal shots were fired. While witness accounts heard by the grand jury differed, there were some that appeared to back up Wilson's version of events.



  1. Ignorant of her own failure.

  2. Again, the liberal slanted narrative of this story is sickening.
    "allegedly", "that appeared to..." are just a few of the buzz words used to deliberately discredit the decision of a grand jury that was chosen months before the strong-armed robbery and attempted murder of a police officer committed by Michael Brown.
    Didn't CBS SEE these people inciting riots and ARSON two nights ago?
    This woman won't admit her thug son robbed the store even though it's on video!
    Liberals just need to ADMIT exactly what happened here and understand black attitude and primal thug culture are the problem.
    It used to be that this behavior was ridiculed and kept in check by societal norms, but now liberals have embraced the ghetto gutter lifestyle as an important and mainstream contributive factor to our culture when in fact it is what is rotting the very core of our nation!
    Black Panthers and NAACP need to be declared militant terrorist organizations and dismantled accordingly!
    Enough is enough.

  3. The officer feared for his life and did as he was trained. Why cant nay sayers put themselves in the place of the cop??
    This unarmed, 18 year old was a 6'4", 300 pound thug that just knocked off a convenent store and assaulted the owner. Pull your head out of your ....... sand people.

  4. I did put myself in the place of the kop. I would want revenge for dissing me and punching me in the head too. How dare this kid not obey my commands. I will teach that little ______ a lesson.

    1. Exactly 9:41! You disobey a lawful order and attempt to take the Kops gun and you get what you get.

  5. if michael brown's parents had raised him as a responsible,law abing young adult this might not of happened

  6. if michael brown's parents had raised him as a responsible,law abing young adult this might not of happened

    November 26, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    Yeah because kops don't ever kill any of those right?

  7. Yup it's all good until it happens to a white child.

  8. 2 young men walking in the middle of the street,cop rolls up and asked them to get on the sidewalk,the only one that ends up dead is the one that wanted and invited a confrontation,the other one goes to the sidewalk and doesn't get dead......go figure

  9. I for one am sick of out of control cops killing innocent people. But this is not the case here I think this guy got what he deserved.

  10. She's just upset because the playing field was leveled.

  11. 6:12 stupid white people get shot by cops. But we don't loot and burn down our town because of it.

  12. "Yup it's all good until it happens to a white child."

    Low-information much? It DID happen to a white guy - who was as much a 'child' as Trayvon or this thug in Ferguson. Salt Lake City. Where is the media circus for the white dude, azzhat? Where is all the yammering about civil-rights when a white guy is shot? Did the white guy's parents get a trip to the U.N.? Get informed before you get all puffed-up and self-righteous. You just sound racist and ignorant, otherwise.

  13. Just think about how many people have been saved by this incident.
    Has the cop not exterminated that piece of trash, just think of how many people would have been the future victims of crime committed by that piece of crap.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    Yup it's all good until it happens to a white child.

    November 27, 2014 at 6:12 AM"

    It has-numerous times. The difference is the people involved know right from wrong and they don't lie about the circumstances.
    Shot in the back with his hands up was the lie told about Brown and every single black in the world should be ashamed how the lies flow so easily out of the mouths of their race.
    And now you 6:12 are lying because at 18 years of age you are an adult and 18 year old whites have been shot by cops. And another tidbit of knowledge for you more whites are shot by cops than blacks.
    That's the problem with you people. No honesty and no honest dialogue.

  15. She's funny. This foul mouthed liar has lost it's right to question anyone about their conscience.
    She said during this interview that her son would NEVER be the aggressor, this after he was filmed being very aggressive in the convenience store. I don't care if she is the mother, that doesn't give her the right to lie, and she needs to be out of the dialogue until she changes her immoral lying sinful ways.

  16. She evidently has a problem with the meaning and concept of conscience. I'm sure that he feels regret for the loss of a human life on his watch, but he's been exonerated by his peers and and the evidence and can move on with a clear conscience, that what he did was what he was trained to do - protect his own life.

    I was looking again at the convenience store video, and how Brown not only gave a bully shove to the little shop owner, but came back and menacingly towered over him, causing the shop owner to back away in fear. Brown's body language is "pissed off alpha male". Not just cocky, but ready and able to immediately take it to a higher level. Had I been roughed up by this much larger and younger man, then moments later been rapidly approached by him using that aggressive posture, I would have used pretty much anything, including a handgun, to defend myself from what I suspect I only got a small taste of on the first physical encounter.


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