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Sunday, November 02, 2014


Salisbury News has confirmed that the Chief Judge at the Wicomico Civic Center was pressured into voting on machine #1 and instantly learned that it did in fact change her vote. The machine has now been pulled.

Salisbury News also learned there were serious issues in Worcester County where another machine was also pulled.

Local politicians have contacted Beau Oglesby and Matt Maciarello and have asked for an investigation as to WHO calibrated these machines. 

I had started another Post in which I stated we should ask for a vote of no confidence in this election and force the state to go back to paper ballots.

We are NOT hearing ANYONE saying they voted for a Democrat and it switched to Republican. However, now that I have said it I'm sure we'll ALL hear them complaining and making up more LIES.

So WHY is this happening? I feel the Democrats NEED to make the early votes look like it is in their favor because they KNOW they are going to lose. They need ALL of those undecided to think, well, everyone else voted Democrat, I guess I better vote that way too. 

That being said, THINK, what will it say IF, (even after we know the machines have been rigged) the Republicans come out ahead anyway. 

I just got off the phone with one voter who was heading in this evening to vote and he said he is NOT going to vote because he wants his vote to COUNT. He said he was talking to someone else today about the machine problems and the other gentleman said, well, you gotta take the good with the bad. REALLY, SERIOUSLY! Is that what we've come down to in this Country?

STOP the votes NOW and do NOT let them run away with yet another election. 


BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: We have just confirmed that machine #1 was NOT the machine our original source had problems with. That being said, there are at least TWO machines at the Civic Center.


  1. This will show us what Mathias, Conway, Pollitt, and the rest of the democrats are made of.

  2. it was machine 10...and when i left i looked over and there was a lady using that machine.....and they knew the issues...i do not have fat fingers...nor long nails....even if i did...why would it not let me change that vote? it switched from a repub vote to a dem vote... and would not let me change it....i tried and tried...it would NOT...that machine needs to be pulled to....wonder how many others this happened to but didnt pay it no mind.....they got me a new card and asked me if i wanted to use the same machine and i said NO...the lady said i dont blame ya....i looked over and there was another lady using that machine....and there was a another lady using it when i left....

  3. Obama and his thieves at their work

  4. Possibilities:
    Dems, knowing the ship is going down and desperate for a solution, rig the vote with some machines programmed to switch the vote of, say, 10 percent of the republican votes, giving an outcome that helps them win with a margin that looks credible.

    Dems, knowing they're toast, rig the machines and make the results so unreliable that they must be declared invalid, leaving them in charge till a 'new' election can be arranged.

    This looks like the old Soviet Union to me.

    Maybe we will need to ask for UN observers.

  5. That's the machine I voted on! I want all votes to data tossed out!. Start over with armed guards at all machines 24/7!

  6. Joe, get this on the national wires!

  7. Uhm figures nothing on tv today bout this...coverup?...smells like a Boycott on WBOC..WMDT & DAILY TIMES ADVERTISHER UNTIL THIS IS SHOUTED FROM THE HILLTOPS..impotent journalism is what we get from you guys ? Get your heads out of the policians butts and have some integrity...whimps every dam one of you useless so called reporters...

  8. Machine #10 and what other machine? I voted on #7.

  9. 11 MD counties are now reporting this same problem including Somerset.
    This is too widespread to be a "calibration issue." It's fraud.

  10. I guarantee you there are MORE of these machines that are rigged and we MUST NOT accept the votes that have already been put through. This election is crooked and deceitful and we need higher authorities to come here and stop this. YES, copy and paste these stories and place them on facebook and anywhere else you can get the word out.

    It was reported in the news months ago that the "owner" of the company that makes these machines is a Big Democrat supporter. Again; this is not happening to the Dems.

    Contact www.TrueTheVote.org and tell them what's happening here. Contact the local, state and national news media and talk radio. Get the news out NOW.

  11. Sorry, blame is no longer an excuse. If ANY official (incumbent or hopeful) can move forward in silence then THAT official should not even be on any ballot. Lie, Steal, and Cheat is just what it says.

    It is NOT Joe's responsibility to get the word out, it's yours.


    We? Really?

  12. Same happen in Somerset.

  13. Somerset appears to have had a problem unit early voting

  14. Is this why Rick Pollitt did little fund raising and campaigning, and Laura Mitchell appeared to remain relatively calm during her major drug reveal.... because they figured the rigged voting machines had their backs?

    I've always said this is why Obama was said to have won reelection, because the election had to be criminally rigged. And I stand by that belief (now more than ever)!

    A major investigation must be demanded into these rigged voting machines. This is going on all over Maryland! I'm sick of the lying, cheating corruptness in our LIBERAL crooked government, both national and local.

  15. How do I get my vote back?? If I voted early and the machine was rigged...who do I ask for help??? I want good ole paper ballets back. What is this country coming to???

  16. Joe:

    Anthony Gutierrez is the Election Director for Wicomico County, a Department of Wicomico County working as one of Rick Pollitt's Department Heads. Mr. Gutierrez and his Deputy Election Director Dionne Church both need to be investigated for illegal vote machine tampering.

  17. Are there any instances of Republican to Dem switches?

  18. Stealing votes works most effectively when the election is close. A little skim here or there is almost undetectable. It's the landslides where they get caught. Could be that this time around they thought that they needed more machines or a more aggressive algorithm (if it's say programmed to steal 1 of each 10 votes, there's your "cant reproduce the error" claim).

    The newer machines take their results, combine them at a location controlled by a private company, and then consolidate reports to the election commission. They don't need to have "calibration issues," since the result is only what the corporation says. How crazy is that?

    Paper ballots are the only secure method. *IF* we used voting machines like these, the software should be open source and open to the world to scrutinize for flaws.

  19. I remember it being reported after the last presidential election that some precincts in some areas voted 100% for obama.
    Granted these were predominately African American precincts and at the time, I found it hard to believe that every single one of the voters were dumb enough to vote for obama a second time.
    Certainly fraud was involved there as well.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Joe, get this on the national wires!

    October 28, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    It is. It is happening in Illinois and Maryland. Way to make history Maryland.

  21. As of 11:00 PM Tuesday night, WBOC.com, WMDT.com, and Delmarvanow.com, have NOTHING on their news sites about this. What the hell is going on? This should be all over the local news. Not only are Maryland voters being scammed and cheated by their votes being criminally stolen, but the LIBERAL media is covering it up.

  22. I have shared it out everywhere I can, notice needs to be made to stop it.

  23. Calibration? B.S.! This is obviously CRIMINAL TAMPERING and needs to be addressed as such. All prior early votes need to be voided and the process needs to be restarted regardless the cost! THIS CANNOT BE VIEWED AS TRIVIAL. THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY DEPENDS ON THIS!!!!"

  24. I thought this would happen so I voted again on a different machine!

  25. This has to be rigged. There is no way that about 12 machines so far I know of in the state that wasn't calibrated correctly. People already said who handles the machine that the problem is only 1% of the time how is this one percent, it's getting closer to 5-10 %

  26. I agree-calibration issues-No Way. Too widespread and to me it appears to only be happening in areas with toss up/too close to call races like the McDermott/Mathias race.
    Also places where Brown needs a boost.

  27. This is how Obama stole the election against Romney. That and the illegals and dead people that voted.

  28. Those same 2 people have been standing at the same machines for years now.Should'nt they have figured it out by now?

  29. Instead of only running with this breaking news, how about looking into HOW this is possible. What does it take to do something like this? WHO is ABLE to do this? These are all questions that need to be answered, for sure! I'd much rather see that then fingers being pointed towards individuals who obviously are not ABLE to make these machines do this. A big part of what's wrong in this country is all the finger pointing, blaming others (even with no proof) and refusing to work TOGETHER for WE THE PEOPLE. There's no difference with this on your blog, people at each other. What is it accomplishing? Nothing, except getting people all worked up on both sides at each other instead of looking for the cause and the solution.

  30. 14 of the 30 Maryland counties have had this happen. That's half of the State.

    I want this election cancelled, and paper ballots handed out for everyone.

    1. There are only 23 counties plus Baltimore City in Maryland. You are correct though, half have reported voting machine issues.

  31. Why is anyone surprised by this? That's how the liberal left operate along with their media lackeys. Your vote doesn't matter anymore. They will decide how you should vote for you. Just like they decided what health care you should have despite the majority of citizens being against it. Can you say socialism. This country is so screwed.

  32. Where s the investigation into WHO rigged it ???????????????

  33. I think in an instance like this, ALL early voting should be thrown out and everyone vote again on Tuesday. I would also prefer paper votes. Democrats are Crooks in my opinion and I am smelling a rat!!!

  34. Dems ... nothing but liars and cheats

  35. No Question that on Sunday November 25, the problem was Machine # 3. I was right there. The judges blew us off when we tried to talk to them about this problem. Since all the machines are connected. Is it possible the problem is in the system . Not the Machine.

  36. You expect better from the abortion party in power?


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