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Monday, November 24, 2014

Black Leaders Shamefully Silent on Obamnesty

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are endorsing President Obama’s amnesty for illegal immigrants, as they endeavor to maintain the fiction that the Democratic Party is aligned with the needs of the black community and maintain their own positions within the political power structure.

In reality, the failure of these organizations to examine the repercussions of the Executive Order on the black community is one more piece of evidence that black so-called “leaders” only care about the black community in order to keep the “racist meme” alive.

First and foremost, the average black person’s employment opportunities are jeopardized by the President’s order. According to data compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 20 percent of black people between the ages of 20 and 24 are unemployed and more than 30 percent of black people between the ages of 18 and 19 are unemployed. These rates have risen to their current level under the Obama administration, while black homeownership rates and median income have also fallen.

In many economic segments, the projected 5 million new workers will be competing directly for already scarce employment opportunities leaving a very real possibility that the economic status of blacks will decline further.



  1. Either too damn stupid to figure out the hit wages are going to take by this order, which will result in less money for African Americans already the lowest wage earners due to their reliance on unskilled labor jobs.
    The other reason is because the NAACP is nothing more than a slave to the democrat party-nothing more- and when their masters say STAY SILENT and PRAISE THE ALMIGHTY OBAMA, they do so unfailingly and without question.
    Very disturbing that they obey like they do.

  2. How about this take:

    They want the illegals to take the remaining low-pay/hard-work jobs so they can remain on welfare! They're not stupid - just lazy!

  3. They are the one's that are going to be directly affected by amnesty.

  4. I agree with the entire article. Blacks in American will suffer because of our "black leaders" slave mentality.

  5. I agree. There are very few real true black leaders. Most are followers and slaves to the democrat party.
    I see these poor black fellows leaving on bikes from the chicken plant everyday. Pitiful that they can't even afford a car and especially doing the work of making sure we have food to eat.
    It's pitiful that our local NAACP isn't screaming over this because Salisbury and the shore is going to get hit hard by all these illegals, most who can't even speak English and can only work in places like the chicken plants. The current workers will never see a raise for the hard work they do. It makes me sick that they have no voices such as the NAACP looking out for them..


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