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Monday, November 17, 2014

Bill Cosby's Guest Shot With Letterman Canceled Amid Uproar Over Multiple Sexual Assault Allegations

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Bill Cosby will not dignify "decade-old, discredited" claims of sexual abuse with a response, his attorney said Sunday, the first reaction from the famed comedian to an increasing uproar over allegations that he assaulted several women in the past.
In a statement released to The Associated Press and posted online, lawyer John P. Schmitt said the fact that the allegations are being repeated "does not make them true."
"He would like to thank all his fans for the outpouring of support and assure them that, at age 77, he is doing his best work," Schmitt said.


  1. Too many women have come forward for this to be NOTHING. So sad.

  2. It's all about MONEY.! Everybody jump on the bandwagon & his insurance will settle to stop the hassle. Money, Money, Money.

    1. You're full of it 9:35. A dozen women who have been denied justice for years and being forced to hide their rapes by Mr. Powerfull Hollywood Rapist, have finally found someone to speak out for them, so they too, have decided to come forward as a group to at least confront his rapes. If this were your wife, your daughter, your friend, your tune would be different, completely opposite, I'd imagine? Where there's smoke there's usually fire. It's male attitudes like yours, that helps to continue to perpetuate the cover ups of rape/incest but most of all 9:35, know that your comment defines your being.

  3. Is that what too much Jello pudding does to a man?

  4. It DOES say ALLEGATIONS, doesn't it? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

  5. Did you say he had been accused of INCEST?? and at the age of 77? Sounds a little far-fetched to me. Some proven FACTS would be appropriate here. I LOVE that "where there's smoke, there's fire!" If it's what "THEY SAY" it must be true. Or maybe it's true because somebody wrote it. Innuendo.


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