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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Anti-War Group Crashes 'Concert For Veterans'


  1. The fellow he was talking to admitted he was a communist ,
    I think he should be shot by a firing squad . At least a good ass kicking. The reason he can express his views is because of these veterans , what an ass.
    I'm sure he went to at least the 2nd grade.

  2. It's a commin folks! these guys will crawl in the first hole available . Communist SOB.

  3. No doubt this guy is on as much federal assistance available.

  4. I am so proud of our young men and women who volunteer to go in harm's way to defend our Country and our Constitution. They are truly heroic in their intentions.

    Unfortunately, we have Commanders-in-Chiefs who use these fine young troops to do their dirty work of forcing foreign oil, guns and drug trades to their own profits.

    Our Veterans are then left to come back home disillusioned, disabled, and heartbroken that their primary intentions were whored out by the very government they swore to protect and serve.

    I wish I had better things to say.

  5. Soldiers get a paycheck, they don't fight for ideals.

    If they did we would have a unpaid voluntary force. And we don't.

    And not since the Revolutionary war has any war been fought on the citizens behalf or pertaining to our "rights".

    It's all been for profit and conquest.

    Considering one can be killed on the street for saying the wrong thing I'd state as fact that the bravery of oneself is what determines what rights one has and not the military.

    We have the world's strongest military and yet so many unconstitutional laws have been passed by our government in just the last 20 years.

    Maybe Ho Chi Minh was behind it all. Or Saddam.


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