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Monday, November 17, 2014

Anonymous Is Attacking the KKK After Threats to Ferguson Protesters

Hacktivist collective Anonymous has kicked off OpKKK, a campaign to disrupt websites and expose information of the Ku Klux Klan, after members of the hate group disseminated leaflets in Missouri threatening “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters. Anonymous has compromised KKK Twitter accounts, knocked websites offline, and claims to have grabbed personal information of members of the group.

In their propaganda, the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK said Ferguson demonstrators were terrorists masquerading as peaceful protesters and they would face consequences for “actions against the peaceful, law abiding citizens of Missouri.”

Though Anonymous said in a YouTube video that it respected the KKK’s right to free speech, it decided the group had overstepped the mark by threatening physical violence, especially in light of the racial tensions in Ferguson, where African American teenager Michael Brown was shot by police officer Darren Wilson, leading to much-publicised protests.



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