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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Veterans Not Worth The Dollars

The elections are over, back to business with Congress as they have many unsettled issues in need of attention. The VA scandal is still a priority for Congress to settle. Although the VA has made some progress toward veterans care and benefits improvements, it is not yet 100% thought out. Our Congress needs transparency in bipartisanship and held accountable. A quote by Theodore Roosevelt, “A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the Country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards”. We veterans need a square deal for survival and better quality of life, is it not too much to ask for?

Many thousands of veterans are sick with PTSD and Severe Illnesses with little to no resolve.

The most critical of our veterans groups is the Vietnam war veteran. Tens of thousands continue to combat illnesses associated with the herbicide Agent Orange. The group of veterans mostly ignored by the VA are those who served at sea in that war known as Blue Water Navy, many are infected with Agent Orange. House Bill HR-543 is still active in Congress with over 55% Congressional support it is stalled in the Veterans Affairs Committee. Financial support for this Bill amounts to approx. 7 to 9 billion dollars spread out over 7 to 10 years, after that there will be none of us left. We give hundreds of billions to foreign Countries some of which hate us, yet not a dime to our veterans, what is wrong with this picture. It goes to show veterans are low priority.

Americans call your members of Congress demand they pass HR-543.

By: John J. Bury, US Navy retired Vietnam veteran


  1. But everyone wants us to kick ass every time an injustice occurs somewhere on Earth,especially when Americans are involved.Why does such a huge gray area exist between wanting to put boots on the ground and eventually aiding the veterans who fought those battles?

  2. Veterans don't make a lot of money contributions to politicians so they don't get squat.

  3. 10:24.....the gray area is often obscured by the zealous chanting of "USA! USA! USA!" every time a politician talks about the threats to our "freedom" (from a third world country that has 2 airplanes and a tank they stole).
    There is NO country on earth that threatens our "freedom".
    THAT threat comes ONLY from our own "leaders". That's a fact. (see: Patriot Act & the NDAA).
    Keep cheering.


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