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Saturday, November 08, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Thank You

I just wanted to thank you for helping the electorate finally see the truth despite the deceptive veil of the increasingly corrupt Main Stream Media.


  1. The MSM is very corrupt , I agree.
    However , most if not all , are now using teleprompters . The people talking don't even know what they are telling the public until after the fact.
    I don't excuse this procedure , but that's the way it is.
    I call this method the very best way to brain wash news people and the public.
    This method has been used for years by communist , not with the same technology but with printed form.

  2. I agree with this comment. I already knew I was voting for Larry Dodd in District 3, but I can see where people could have been fooled by his deception. He couldn't tell by the grin on my face that I knew he was lying when he was trying to lead me to believe he was a Republican.

    Thank you Salisbury News!

  3. 9:23 AM you are correct. He was going door to door lying to people just to get elected. The boy has a future in being a lying politician if the Democrats continue to push him into it. Notice I said LYING POLITICIAN. He gives good leaders a bad name.

    Remember that name and remember to Google him for future reference. I have a feeling he will try again.

  4. Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton and Jake Day are still morning the loss for their boy Hastings.

  5. To be clear, the above references on lying are about Josh Hastings, NOT Larry Dodd.


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