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Friday, November 07, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Incident at Delmar VFW, Gun Bash

Yet another incident with Salisbury PD you might want to check out. Currently, young man is in in ICU with brain bleed. Salisbury PD, officer, Jonathon Oliver attacked young man causing brain injury. He was off duty at the time.

Might want to check it out.

Publishers Notes: While I am very aware of this incident, there are many rumors going around between Police and Fire Dept personnel. 

I have spoken to several people who witnessed the incident first hand and the situation is NOT at all good. 

Nevertheless, the Police need to do an in depth investigation, (in which they are) to get to the bottom of WHY this young man is actually in the Hospital. I personally believe it was because of something that happened well after the incident at the Fire Department and I hope THAT is thoroughly investigated. I'll just say, dents on the hood and hopefully that spells out enough. 

As for mentioning the Officer involved and saying he caused that kind of harm, that's out of line. Was the Officer in the wrong, ABSOLUTELY. For me personally, a Police Officer should be setting the example of how to refrain from just hauling off and punching someone because they may have had too much to drink. No question, the Officer absolutely assaulted this young man and the Officer without a doubt was at fault. A verbal attack in the state of Maryland and Delaware is NOT reason enough to physically attack someone. 

However, just know that something happened well after this incident that may have caused this man's head trauma. Learn the details before you just go off like you are in the know because you are NOT. I'll add, the event was not at the VFW.


  1. If you are talking about the gun bash it was held at the Delmar Fire Department which is in the State of Delaware. I have been there several times and I can tell you a lot of alcohol is consumed.

  2. Its doesn't matter where, when, or how this happened. For one simple reason. this more then likely will be pushed under the rug. let me ask this was the officer in question arrested after the initial assault ? I doubt it. If he was that's great that's what should happen.let him plead his case in court like the rest of us. Being an officer of the law this man will be treated quit differently then you or me would have been. If you or I as a citizen had committed the initial assault we would have been incarcerated on the spot . we would have to go in front of a commissioner plead with him to give you bail if you can afford it . more then likely your bail money would be kept even if you prove your innocence . then you would have to appear before a judge at a latter date and pay any fines you might have . that's if you don't get 6 months in jail for your crime. Now an officer in the good ole buddy system more then likely would walk away from this without even a charge. Much less have it investigated . if Joe hadn't posted this story it would have simply been pushed under the rug and never seen the light of day.

    Once again I'll just say this. Police policing them self does not work. It leaves the door open for criminal activity to go unnoticed. The bases for this countries political system and legal system was built on checks and balances . why is it we have no checks and balances in our police departments ? If an officer commits a crime guess who he has to answer to. Not the courts as one might think. He simple has to answer to another officer ( aka good ole boy) who then makes the decision on his own if his buddy should be held accountable .

  3. Cops get arrested and convicted of crimes all the time stop your whining cry baby!!!! Plus this happened in Delaware where that Officer has no standing with the people who are responsible for holding him accountable. Seems like not everyone knows the entire story so again stop you uninformed whining!!!!

  4. 12:58 , while I agree that we dont known the full story and should not be making assumptions, the fact is that cops from different states DO cover up for other cops To say otherwise is naive on your part or you are a cop.

  5. More cover up on the police forces than you all actually know. Read the story of the officer in Princess Anne that tried to tell the truth and had to go through living H___.

  6. Maybe that's why they call it a bash.

  7. it's not just Salisbury PD involved. it is also Wicomico County Sheriff Department that were also involved. Delaware State Troopers are currently investigating being it happened in Delmar, Delaware. 2 men suffered serious injuries from NO FAULT of their own.


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