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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Delmarvanow.com

Joe - In response to the Daily Times sixth day of running the article that publishes the salary database of Worcester County teachers, I ask you to please investigate their motive. Yes, it is published info, but explain when did teachers become so under-appreciated? Are we not the educated role models who protect, mentor and better children? The article doesn't share other counties in Maryland, nor does it compare salaries to other professional occupations with a Masters degree and equal experience who complete 40-60 hours of work, planning and paperwork. The article makes me saddened for a society that tells their children "school should be important to you, but not the teachers in it."

Publishers Notes: They need to sell newspapers. 

That being said, you work for the public and have always been accountable. They/We publish salaries in Police Departments as well. I'm really not sure what your problem is with Brian Shane's article. In my honest opinion, he's the best Journalist and investigative reporter they have. 

I read the article but you say it has been running for six days, perhaps I missed the other five? Here's what I'll say personally about teachers salaries.

In a day when so many hard working Americans are struggling, back when I was growing up, becoming a Teacher never offered the financial opportunity of major income. Teachers became Teachers because of the love of teaching. Today I see the majority of Teachers making incredible income, especially in rural areas like the Eastern Shore. 

My Sister became a Teacher and even went back to school to get her Masters Degree. When she became a Teacher, her income was $13,000.00 a year!!! That was in 1988. Today she is the Principal of a School. I don't care who you are or what year it was, $13,000.00 A YEAR! 

My Sister is my hero. She went for her DREAM and we made sure she never went without. THAT'S WHAT FAMILY DOES. Not Welfare! Not Food Stamps! Not Affordable Housing! Guess what, IF you were blessed enough to be one of her students, you got the best education a loving and caring human being could offer. It was never about the money, obviously. 

You want to talk about income. My Sister lives in northern VA. A few years ago she bought her very first home, a 2 bedroom condo that cost $350,000.00. I should add, the building was built in 1950. Mind you, ALL of her Brothers immediately came in and renovated it from top to bottom as a house warming gift. Now, just when you think, well, she's a Principal, think again. She works for a private School and I can assure you she still doesn't make the kind of money many of YOU Teachers make here.

Maybe the Daily Times could do a follow up story about Teachers who are truly in it for the CHILDREN? I'll bet you anything my Sister wouldn't be offended if they published her income. "NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM". 


  1. Becoming a teacher was one of the easiest ways to ensure you had a solid middle class income. No judgement on that, its simply a fact. I would like to think that their motivation for teaching was the love of the endeavor but that is a truly naive position to believe.

    As we see with police few enter the profession to be the best cop they can be. Sadly being a teacher has been a thankless job for a very long time. If the reward of a job well done is no longer there what does that leave us with. Money as a prime motivator. Again we all need to eat and earn a living so I can not judge them negatively for this. Yes there are many that still become teachers because of a desire to improve the younger generation but, once they get a job and reality sets in that youthful drive runs smack into a wall of bureaucracy. Teachers get the short end of the stick but they also get paid very well. Its a hard position to defend.

  2. Not sure where the idea originated that kids with incredibly low ability scores should have average or above average achievement. Some counties, like Wicomico, give ability tests and see how low the scores are. Kids with little ability, no motivation, no effort and no home support are going to perform poorly, but why blame the teacher? You blame them because you can't blame the real causes. Politically correct but incredibly stupid propaganda.

  3. 9:48, You don't see many police officers joining because they have to have a perfect background record. It has become extremely difficult to become a police officer any more.

    IF they challenged Teachers to pass the same kind of test, believe me, a LOT would not be teachers. Those that would pass, God Bless them.

  4. College loan payback is at the forefront of this.I don't even read DelmarvaNow,and I don't know if that has been mentioned,but a HEFTY percentage of local and national teachers will be paying college loans for many years to come.That much more reason to have to love what one does.Having loans payed off halfway through a career makes even the most loyal teachers question their career choice.

  5. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    9:48, You don't see many police officers joining because they have to have a perfect background record. It has become extremely difficult to become a police officer any more.

    Or they could go to a guy like the one in OK that taught them how to beat a lie detector. (he was an operator and instructor of polygraphs).

  6. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    9:48, You don't see many police officers joining because they have to have a perfect background record. It has become extremely difficult to become a police officer any more.

    I really find that hard to believe considering all the bad things cops are doing nowadays. Every single day I read at LEAST one story about cops beating, killing, robbing, raping.

    And they usually get no real punishment. One cop was convicted and STILL got his pension.

    And PLEASE do not give me that one bad apple crap.

  7. Joe - why are you attacking this teacher? They are asking a legitimate question about why the daily times feels the need to publish teachers salaries. I know a lot of teachers and they all are in teaching for the love of it, not the money. Everyone knows that teachers do not get compensated properly for the work, time, effort, and money they put into their career, yet they still do it. Your last sentence shows just how little you know about the teaching profession. Teachers do not forget where they came from, because if they did there would be no teachers left to educate our children, because they would all have quit due to the bs they have to put up with every day from people like you. I like your blog, but you missed the mark on this one, attacking some who in no way attacked you

  8. 2:14, I am NOT attacking this Teacher. I am expressing how I feel referencing Teachers and Salaries and Motives.

    I point out that SOME Teachers are NOT in it for the right reasons. I do disagree with the salary issue but just because I disagree does NOT mean I am attacking anyone.

    As for the last sentence, USE YOUR HEAD. I talk about Family and sibling responsibility, Never Forget Where You Came From is MY example of how WE should ALL support Family members seeking out their dreams.

    Some of US couldn't AFFORD to go to College. Some of US had to quit school and provide for our Families. Fortunately for my Sister, she was able to reach her goals.


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